Friday, October 27, 2023



Another dawn

and we're not gone

we made a pledge

and our word

is our bond!

100 words

for all you nerds

who suffer coulrophobia.


The Perfect Child

They say you're safe during the day. But I can attest that it's not true. At a carnival when I was two, a sweet-looking clown made me smile. Then quickly disappeared with me in a pouch.

Twenty years later. I'm the clown. Red hair, red nose, and a pouch ready to go. I can make them laugh too. And the perfect child I will have soon.

But Mommy's overly protective, so I follow them home. Distracted and on the phone, her sweet little guy will be mine soon.

One day he'll delight the crowds to find his perfect child.


100 words

Yolanda Renee © 2023


In case you didn't know

coulrophobia is the fear of clowns.

Photo by Nong on Unsplash

Not funny

Not cute

But neither is a clown

in an oversized suit





Elephant's Child said...

Ack. I wouldn't say it is a phobia (quite) but clowns are NOT funny and make me uncomfortable. And after reading this...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Yolanda - the way clowns have been used in horror stories does make me cringe at times ... probably more now I'm older as my imagination is/ could be greater ... cheers Hilary

Yolanda Renée said...

Sue, I find them extremely creepy!

Hilary, cheers, yep, not my favorite subject!