Monday, September 26, 2022

The Iconic "Monster Mash"

It's the last of September but our playlist continues.

As October is the month to fear!

The story will change but I've done all I can to make your Halloween Party a hit with ghost stories

and a playlist from Hell!

Our 5th song is the Iconic...

Photo by LexScope on Unsplash

 "Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett



Photo by Brian Wegman 🎃 on Unsplash

I hope you've survived this monstrous delight. And no demons or goblins have made you their fright.

That evil has found someone else to consume. You're inspired and ready for our challenge, come this full moon.

You've stories to tell, just remember you're not safe yet. Evil's just started. It's a sure bet.

It haunts throughout the year, but in October, WOW. The demons sure do love to howl.

Your best bet, be prepared, partake, and have fun.

Join the party, come dance, don't hide alone, and be careful of tricks. Post your stories at WEP for a Thriller mix!

100 Words

Yolanda Renee © 2022



The WEP Challenge is almost here!


Monday, September 19, 2022

"Hungry Like A Wolf"

Your next song on the Halloween Playlist! 

Duran Duran - "Hungry Like the Wolf" 

Wolf Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash


Werewolves are on the prowl. Hear their howl?

They love to eat, and you're a favorite meat.

A silver bullet through the heart will do it. Holy water? Not a chance. For this curse, there is no dance.

Once again, your life's in danger. Don't trust that handsome stranger.

Don't hide now. An invasion you can't allow.

Did you buy that gun? Melt the silver? Or do you plan to forage in the forest and drink from the river?

Will you hunt at night and howl at the moon?

For you, a werewolf's curse could be just the right tune!

100 Words

Yolanda Renee © 2022


Halloween Party PlayList

"Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

"Black Magic Woman" by Santana

"Man-Eater" by Hall & Oates

"Hungry Like A Wolf" by Duran Duran


Now I know you're ready!

It's almost October!

The WEP Challenge 


Monday, September 12, 2022

Zombie's Hungry but She's a "Man-Eater"

And the next record to add to your Halloween PlayList

"Man-Eater" by Hall & Oates

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

"Man-eater" by Hall & Oates



Isn't she pretty! The man-eater!

Thought you were safe, but the undead began to rise. You passed a cemetery, and now they're after your hide.

How can you beat the walking dead? Beheading? A bullet to the head. Or hiding under the bed.

There is nowhere safe? Not on Earth, not when evil has full reign, and the zombies want your brain.

Maybe you can dress the part? Entertain the man-eater, show her your heart.

I've the perfect tune. After all, it's a full moon.

Get your costume, prepare for fun, or fall victim to the craze. It's only your soul you have to save.

     Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

100 Words

Yolanda Renée © 2022


Halloween Party PlayList

"Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

"Black Magic Woman" by Santana

"Man-Eater" by Hall & Oates


I know you're almost ready.

For October's Fun!

The WEP Challenge 


Remember, it's all about fun!

Monday, September 5, 2022

"Black Magic Woman"

And the next record to add to your Halloween PlayList

 "Black Magic Woman" by Santana

Photo by Stefano Ciociola on Unsplash


The Devil doesn't need magic. Do you? Protection from this new Hell on Earth. You only have to survive until November 1st. Then evil returns to its unholy home.

But for thirty-one days, you're exposed. Better find some of that old black magic, but what's the cost? Your firstborn, or are you forever lost?

She'll ask for the harshest. Can you make the sacrifice? Will you pay or take your chances as evil roams? Or sell what's precious to save your unworthy soul?

Better act fast. For this, consuming evil will last until the toll of midnight on October 31st.

100 Words

Yolanda Renée © 2022

Photo by Nurlan Imash on Unsplash


Are you getting ready for the fun?

The WEP October Challenge 


Your Halloween Party PlayList:

"Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

"Black Magic Woman" by Santana


Here is the link to the Thriller lyrics if you want more inspiration:


Remember, it's all about fun!

Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash

mWUha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Thursday, September 1, 2022

There's a "Bad Moon Rising"

 I know it's only September, but I'm already excited for the unholy month of haunting, October. So here it is. My ode to the ghosts, goblins, vampires, and witches. Starting today, I'm posting weekly. Each week a new song, because everyone needs a playlist for that Halloween party, and why not a flash to go along with it? After all, it's all about the ghost story, isn't it?

The first song chosen is:

"Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Photo by Vino Li on Unsplash


September's here, but something disconcerting is occurring in Hell. There's a disturbance among the denizens below.

Even Satan is dancing to a tune we all know.

Celebrating in Hell, the ghosts and goblins are preparing to appear. Unfortunately, the bad news is that it won't just be on Halloween this year.

When the sun goes down. The world will awaken to an unholy sound. All the demons, gargoyles, and ghosts will arise and take flight. Guard your soul, don't mess around!

Lock your doors tight, for evil has arisen, and no one is safe from diablo's intrusion.

Happy early Halloween!

100 words

Yolanda Renée © 2022


This was just to prepare you for the fun

that is coming in October!

The WEP Challenge 


(follow the link to the lyrics)

A little more inspiration taken directly from the list of Challenges for 2022

This is the Fear fest Challenge in which we ramp up the spook factor over here, welcoming your creepiest compositions, your most haunting and haunted tales running the gamut of paranormal, speculative, crime, and horror genres. However, as always, there are no rigid rules. Feel free to write to any genre if those mentioned are not your thing. 

The prompt is based on Thriller, released in the early '80s,  an unofficial anthem for Halloween and horror. Both singer and song are music industry icons. Thriller has sold 70 million+ copies worldwide and Michael Jackson, known as the King of Pop, is one of the controversial and culturally significant figures of the 20th century. They credited him with some landmark music as well as reinventing complex dance moves like the moonwalk to make it his own signature. Just like the Beatles, MJ was, during his lifetime and remains, more than a decade after his death, one of the bestselling artists of all time. He has left a massive and unique thumbprint on the music/entertainment scene of the late twentieth century. 

The prompt has endless possibilities. Take the lyrics to this song - they can inspire myriad flashes - the forty thousand years of funk, the beast about to strike, the thing with forty eyes - the imagery is vivid and specific, and boy! Can they be used to craft a creepy tale or what? Or you could use the video's own storyline to write to. Use that iconic dance with the undead MC morphing into a zombie, to spin a horror flash. 

Or maybe not...because hang on...not everyone needs to be a horror/Halloween junkie. Use the demons as a metaphor. Let the dance with the zombies become an inner wrestling bout with some tragic character flaw(s) in your MC. Or weave a girl-boy-movie-night narrative. Or one of a rescue mission where the hero snatches the damsel in distress from the jaws of monsters real or imaginary.  Or...just write to the title 'Thriller' - no end to the tales you could tell. You see? - a million ways to go, a million things to be! 

Here is the link to the thriller lyrics if you need more inspiration: THRILLER

Remember it's all about fun!

See you there?

I hope you enjoy my drabbles!


A drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely 100 words. The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space.

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