2. The day I stepped off a plane in Fairbanks, Alaska. I'd finally found a home.
3. My first apartment and the purchase of my first car. After I found my first job in Alaska as a payroll clerk. I bought a used car and found a great apartment. Finally, total independence. It was the best of times!
4. My first view of the aurora borealis. I would lie on my bed and watch them dance across the sky. So beautiful!
5. Falling in love for the first time. It was everything every romance book ever said it would be. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. Unrequited is not one of my favorite words
6. The birth of my two sons. The very best of my creative abilities! Handsome, smart, and independent! I'm very proud of them.
7 Graduating with High Honors and achieving my master's degree. Another goal marked done, but I still want my Ph.D.! I hoped my writing would fund that, but...
8. The publication of my first novel. One of those naïve, impulsive, and totally in the dark experiences. Now I know everything I did wrong, but that day, that moment will always be special.
9. Doing a Blog-Talk Radio Show. Getting out of my comfort zone to create the first book talk radio program. It was a blast, and I miss doing it.
10. Buying a condo on the beach. I feel blessed to be able to isolate here.
Tell me a highlight or two of your life.
If you want to know more about Murder, Just Because just follow the links for reviews and guest posts.
Christine Rain's Review
If you want to know more about Murder, Just Because just follow the links for reviews and guest posts.
Christine Rain's Review
Birthing Doesn't Have to be Murder
Interview With A Monster
Susan Flett-Swiderski Review
Reader's Favorite Review
How I Wrote My Mystery
My Top Ten Murder Mysteries
Heaven on Earth
How to Write a Thriller
Evil Exists
Mason Canyon Review
To learn more about me follow the links to the Q & A Sessions:
What Mythical Creature Am I?
What inspired Murder, Just Because?
What Makes Me Run Screaming?
Why do I Write Serial Killers?
What is the Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Seen?
Does My Writing Give Me Nightmares?

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