Thursday, July 23, 2015


Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word flash fiction challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The following photo is this weeks PHOTO PROMPT, a cool picture for hot days, depending on your side of the globe. Rochelle asks where does it take you? Tell us in a hundred words or less.


Chocolate World's winter holiday display of lights, hot cocoa and fresh kettle corn, was a date that rivaled all previous first dates. I never felt the cold, not with my hand in yours, or your arms holding me close during the monorail ride.

Then, before the date ended and with a crowd around us, you got down on one knee and pulled out an engagement ring.

I shook my head, tried to stop the madness, but you persisted.

I whispered, "No! Not on our first date," and pleaded for understanding, right before your knife pierced my heart. 

97 words
Yolanda Renée © 2015


I'm thrilled to be part of the WEP - a 1000 word flash fiction challenge held every other month. The first challenge is called Spectacular Settings - scheduled for August 19th. Join us.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


My entry titled Choices for the WOW! Women on Writing FlashFiction Challenge won – Honorable Mention for Winter 2015 Challenge. I'm thrilled because my post was an original post for the WEP-Write Edit Publish Halloween Flash Fiction Challenge in 2014. After reworking the story, I cut it from 1000 words to 750 words and submitted it to WOW!

For today's WEP post, I wrote about What Flash Fiction is and Why it's an excellent writing exercise. Please check it out. There's also a list of links that will give you access to dozens of other flash fiction sites. Some of those sites pay for work and some do not, but it's a great list to have handy if you're looking for a great challenge or publication. Don't forget the WEP's first challenge is in August on Spectacular Settings. Read more about it on the site, as well as the October, and December challenge.

For your edification, here is the story that won honorable mention.


Haley looked into the abyss. Between the sheer marble and granite walls, lava flowed with the blinding brilliance of the sun. Pops of flame exploded in whirlpools of unfathomable appetite, and the heat kissed her porcelain skin with desire. She used a suspension bridge during her last escape, but Kaden recaptured her and wrenched her link to safety from its moorings. Despite her betrothal to his twin brother, King Zane, Kaden wanted her for himself and was willing to go to war to achieve his goal. She stared at the magma, a death that assured no resurrection, while her reason for flight replayed.

Recuperating from pneumonia, Haley curled up on a large chair in front of the fire. The lock on the door clicked, and without looking, she knew Kaden had entered the room. The atmosphere felt heavy, airless, but she did not move.
"Feeling better?" Kaden asked with faux concern.

Despite forehand knowledge, Haley's heart jumped in her chest, and her body stiffened at the sound of his caustic voice. The warmth radiating from the fire turned to waves of ice that girdled her bones and captured her heart in a glacial chill.

"You’ll never convince Zane that I was behind your kidnapping. Be careful, or you'll be the cause of his death." Kaden's voice sounded bored, as though he were tired of playing games.

"I broke the engagement. Zane left without me."

"But you didn't tell him you were staying."

"I prefer an eternity in hell to a minute with you. You have my word. I will not marry Zane, but touch him, and I’ll kill myself. No one wins."

"You’re wrong. I always win. I will have you. Dr. Zheng has a way to make even the dead live. I brought proof."

The sound of a clattering chain intensified the cold and tightened her gut into a knot. He had locked her in; was he now going to chain her to her prison? Haley did not move, but Kaden stepped closer, and the fear that he would touch her had her jumping to her feet. She kept the chair between them but gauged her chance for escape. She noticed the open door. Her illness caused her to sway, but she fought her weakness.

"Don’t test me, Haley. You’ll marry me. You’ll even love me. If you don’t believe me, believe this."

Nothing in life had prepared her for the vision before her. Screams formed in the deepest part of her, but she held them inside as one hand covered her mouth and the other held tightly to the chair. She wanted to close her eyes but could not because an abomination of nature lumbered toward her.

The man she knew as Goren, her kidnapper, the same man she had witnessed being fed to wild dogs, slowly moved into the light. His death was a truth she could not doubt because she'd witnessed the horror, and yet he stood before her, held on a chain by two large men as his handlers.

He barely had clothes, or skin, and yet he moved forward on his own two feet. His skin, what was left of it, black, blue, and green, hung loose where the voracious beasts had ripped him open with their teeth. His remaining muscle hung in purple shreds, and bones, some broken, protruded in ugly bloody angles. The smell of death wafted off him like a putrid fog. A dead man lived.

Kaden's next statement jabbed Haley like a blade through the heart.

"I will have you—even in death."

The proof of his words stood before her, decomposing. Goren's eyes held her gaze, solid blue, rimmed in red, and clouded by tears. His eyes pleaded with her because his mouth and his throat were missing. This horrendously deformed, half-consumed body understood, knew his condition. Goren was fully aware of his own miscreation.

Haley saw the horror of her future.

Kaden laughed. "The doctor is a genius."

Kaden had underestimated her strength and the loyalty of their undead pet. The monster attacked Kaden, and Haley bolted from the room. She made it through the mountain tunnel and stood above the Gulf of Fire, but her pursuer found her.
Kaden approached and bellowed, "There's nowhere to go, Haley. Accept your fate."

She turned, her heels on the edge of the precipice, and smiled. "I've chosen my destiny." Haley felt the arms of angels catch her as the fires of hell opened to swallow her.
The End

749 Words
Yolanda Renee (c) 2015


The WEP-Write...Edit...Publish is all about preparing your work for publication. Write your story, edit your story, and get feedback and constructive criticism for your story, plus you'll have fun doing it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


This is a unique flash fiction challenge where Barbara's provides a new photo each week, and the first sentence of a story. Your challenge is to finish the story using 100-150 words, not including the sentence provided. Don’t forget to use the opening sentence… This challenge runs from Monday to Sunday! Get creative and have fun finishing the story!

Barbara W. Beacham © 2015


"The petroglyphs told the story of an unusual event.

An event being replayed despite its absolute absurdity!

The sky burned with colors that covered the spectrum, and as I watched darkness fall, I thought of family. Would I ever see them again? I walked back into the cave and my spot on the cold stone floor, thankful for the two by five mat and the safety of granite walls. I wondered how long we would survive before cannibalism became our only option. A spring provided the needed water, but our supply of MREs would only last so long.

I stared at the petroglyphs. They told of the first encounter with the alien worm-like creatures and their defeat by the natives. However, scientists had discovered live cells and had reanimated the creature as a military weapon. Meant to devour the enemy's army, they did not discriminate and swallowed entire populations.

My family, were they gone or hiding like me?

149 words
Yolanda Renee © 2015
My homage to "Tremors" one of my favorite movies.


If you're looking to tighten your writing, eliminate the fat or just kick-start your creativity consider joining the WEP - Write...Edit...Publish Flash FictionChallenges. Hosted by the indomitable and talented Denise Covey and me her assistant, this year we have three challenges scheduled. 1000 words, short story, poem, photography, screenplay - you decide, but please consider joining the fun!

Monday, July 20, 2015


I've written millions of words and now have 2 published books and a 3rd on the way, Murder & Obsession. But an odd thing happened on the way to publication, I'm suddenly stumped even wordless—innovation is gone because my publisher has asked for a tagline and blurb.

They want me to turn a 140,000-word manuscript into one or two sentences, and then entice the reader in 100 words or less with a blurb. I go blank.

         I panic; well I did until I met Michael Di Gesú, creative genius and my own personal Magic Man! Sorry, Channing Tatum, but Michael Di Gesú was the 'Magic Man' long before you claimed the title!

         To show you the process we go through I'm showing my originals and Michael's response, and how, after just a few emails we came up with perfection!

My original tagline was:

One man's obsession will create every possible obstacle for an ill-fated couple.

Michael said.
"This can use a bit of punching up…."

Flames burn between a hardboiled cop and an aspiring artist but soon extinguish as another man’s obsession ignites into a towering inferno, destroying the couple’s happiness.

I countered with:

Flames burn between a hardboiled cop and a gifted artist but soon extinguish as another man’s obsession ignites into a towering inferno of desire that drives him to destroy the object of his madness.

Michael responded with:
Flames burn between a hardboiled cop and a gifted artist but soon extinguish as another man’s obsession ignites into a towering inferno of desire, driving him to destroy the object of his madness…Sarah.
Flames burn between a hardboiled cop and a gifted artist, but soon extinguish as another man’s obsession ignites into an inferno of desire, driving him to destroy the object of his madness.

My original blurb was:
The road to marital bliss is never easy, but for Detective Quaid and his fiancée, Sarah Davis the path down the aisle to the altar is a minefield.
His grandfather's cabin was to be their honeymoon retreat; instead, it becomes a crime scene. Running from incarceration was supposed to help Steven find answers, but while he fooled the trackers, he couldn't outsmart the ultimate predator. Not once the grizzly had his scent.
Mauled, shot, and no longer a cop, can Steven Quaid bring the actual culprit to justice?
Michael's suggestion was:

Love is never easy, but for Detective Steve Quaid and his fiancée, Sarah, their road to happiness is laden with minefields.
Steve’s countless hours reconverting his grandfather’s cabin into the perfect honeymoon nest for Sarah soon becomes the bloody crime scene for her death. Distraught, Steve is accused and escapes into the Alaskan mountains, biding his time to find the truth…
Who killed his beloved?
A seasoned woodsman, he outsmarts even the cleverest of trackers. All but one…
Mauled by a grizzly, he barely escapes.
But will he live to bring the true murderer to Justice?

My response after the fewest of changes was:
I knew you could take my meanderings and create magic! Thank you!


Love is never easy, but for Detective Steve Quaid and his fiancée, Sarah, their road to happiness is laden with minefields.

Steven’s countless hours reconverting his grandfather’s cabin into the perfect honeymoon retreat for Sarah soon becomes a bloody crime scene detailing her death. Accused, Steven escapes into the Alaskan mountains, biding his time to find the truth…

Who killed his beloved?

A seasoned woodsman, he outsmarts even the cleverest of trackers. All but one…

Mauled by a grizzly, a half-dead Steven barely escapes.

But will he live to bring the true murderer to justice?

It was that easy!
If you've finished your masterpiece and suddenly feel intimidated
because you just can't whittle it down to a few words – contact
 and create perfection with a true artist.


If you're looking to tighten your writing, eliminate the fat or just kick-start your creativity consider joining the WEP - Write...Edit...Publish Flash Fiction Challenges. Hosted by the indomitable and talented Denise Covey and me, her assistant, this year we have three challenges scheduled. 1000 words, short story, poem, photography, screenplay - you decide, but please consider joining the fun! WEP 2015!

Friday, July 17, 2015



Mary caressed the photograph remembering their honeymoon in the ancient capital of the Burgundy province of Dijon, France. The wonderful romantic strolls through historic streets while planning their future.

"You said you'd always love, cherish, and adore only me, but she entered your life, and I no longer exist. Her emerald eyes, cherub cheeks, and that melt your heart smile.

"I've lost you my love, but I refuse to admit defeat, and I will never accept this harlot.

"Despite your assurances you'll always be mine, I hold no love for our daughter. She is the ruination of my life."

100 words

Yolanda Renee © 2015


Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I was given The Versatile Blogger Award by Dee Dee back on July 2. But I was in the midst of edits for Murder & Obsession, so I had to delay my thank you post and passing it forward. Dee Dee writes the blog Rantzz of a Drama Queen.

Dee Dee tells me The Versatile Blogger award is given in recognition for great commitment, diverse talents, and generosity shown by a blogger. It's a great motivation and celebration of their work in the Blogosphere.

I'm thrilled to receive the award! I've been blogging since 2008 and while it only shows a few blog posts I had over 400. But after a glitch while reformatting there was a few problems with blogger and I lost almost all of them.

Now on to The Versatile Blogger Rules:

·       Display it on your blog

·       Thank the person who nominated you. - Thank you, Dee Dee!

·       Share 7 Facts about yourself

·       Nominate 7 others

Here are 7 facts about me:

1.   I am in the middle of painting my 'new' laundry room. 3 years after a fire destroyed my basement laundry room, it's finally been moved to the first floor! Yay!

2.   My husband says I'm funny, headstrong, and competitive. I figure he should know.

3.   I don't own a cell phone – really hate telephones in general—I do not like phone conversations. IM's are fine though – when chat rooms first appeared I was hooked. Now I wouldn't even know where to find a decent chat.

4.   I graduated with the highest honors from graduate school while working full time as Finance Director and still hope to get my doctorate.

5.   I have a younger brother that I haven't seen nor spoken to in 35 years. You might have noticed that family isn't part of my FB page – they keep rejecting my friend requests.

6.   Josh Groban's songs especially from his album The Closer were the influence for the love story in my Murder Trilogy

7.   When hot pants were in style – I rocked the look! J.

I'm nominating these lovely bloggers to receive THE VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD:

         Denise Covey @ My Writing Blog
         Ella @ Ella's Edge
         Gary @ Klahanie
         Donna @ Book Lover
         Ivy @ The Happy Wisk
         Sally @ Sally's Scribbles         
         Mina @ Some Dark Romantic

Thank you, Dee Dee, this was fun!


As reported the WEP-Write…Edit…Publish Flash Fiction Challenges are returning.
Learn more HERE!

Monday, July 13, 2015



“Delphine always wanted to pilot her father’s plane and when he forgot his keys on her tenth birthday, she knew that taking off would be easy.”

Taking off is always the easy part, whether it's flying a plane, running from danger, or starting a project. It's the finish that can kill you.

Delphine learned the meaning of the word regret the day she stole her dad's plane. It wasn't the landing that taught her that important lesson; it was where she landed—a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

For five years, she lived alone on a beautiful tropical isle and managed to avoid the poisonous snakes, the wild boars, even the Komodo dragons. But when she finally found the islands inhabitants, she couldn't escape being the guest of honor for dinner.

The cave had always frightened her, so she kept her distance, until the day she swore she saw Amelia Earhart run inside and she followed.

Water bubbled, and the steam spiraled a path to the heavens just like Delphine's screams.

148 words
Yolanda Renee © 2015

