Wednesday, November 11, 2015


In Honor of our Veterans!


The desire to serve
A calling felt deep
An honor only a few will earn
A job only a soldier understands.
Sacrifice beyond the call of duty

The debt we owe
Gratitude unvoiced
Flags draped and folded
Tears forever shed
A hero saluted.

A nation saved
A country freed
A prisoner released
A dictator dethroned
Our hero's come home!

Please God, let all our hero's come home!

Yolanda Renée © 2015

Hosted by M. Pax continues!
Click on the Title and Play the Game!

still needs your cheers to win THE JOUST
Please give her your support on The Joust page

Just copy and paste these words:

Catching a cutpurse or solving a murder is the way Lady Enigmatic fills her day!

For your reading pleasure an unedited excerpt

now only .99 cents
in honor of the 

Sarah poured a bottle of shampoo on the floor. "See how well you can stand up after you hit this," she said.

A loud explosion told her the front door was down. She scrambled through the window to the first-floor roof.

"Sarah. Come out, come out, wherever you are!" A loud bang heralded the news that the bedroom door was down.

She quickly, but carefully, made her way across the wood shingles to a point where she could shimmy down to the porch roof, and to the ground. She heard him kick in the bathroom door and allowed herself a smile when she realized the other sound was him falling on his ass. Curse words filled the air, and she knew he was at the window, looking for her. 

Sarah stayed low but moved quickly.

Sliding down the support columns for the porch, she picked up several splinters. But bruises, broken bones, abrasions, and a few shards of wood would heal. Once she hit the ground, Sarah planned to run to the knoll and the old oak tree, a new hiding place.

Just as she landed on the ground, he came barreling through the patio doors. She thought of scooting closer to the porch, but she coughed again.

The monster grinned. "Trying to hide? A little difficult with that hack. Come along quietly, such a mess your once lovely wedding dress. If you're good I'll buy you a new one."

He moved toward her. She scrambled to her feet as he jumped from the porch grasping for her. He managed to grab the hem of her dress, but the fabric gave way, and he had nothing for his effort. Sarah was running again, but he was right behind her.

She knew the way despite the dark and raced through the tall grass, but her body was no longer cooperating. Her lungs were inflamed. Her chest hurt with a pain so severe, she could barely breathe. Please, God, not now. Please let me get to the tree, up the tree, to somewhere he can't reach me.

Sarah reached the tree, but, before she could raise herself to the lowest limb, he was on her, tackling her to the ground.

"After all that effort. Tsk, tsk, tsk." He clicked his tongue in disapproval. "Oh, well. Where we're going, you won't need clothes."

He lifted her by her upper arm, held her close, and marched her to the cliff's edge . . .



The Winner of the $5 Amazon Gift Card 
& and eBook copy of both Murder Mysteries
chosen by

Murder, Madness & Love
Memories of Murder

for Monday is

Sia McKye

And for Tuesday is

Pat Hatt

And Wednesday's Winner is

Mary Pax


Comment and you could win today!

(All gift cards will be issued after the Faire)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


When I envisioned Lady Enigmatic – this is how I saw her, not as a vampire but as a badass capable of riding a polar bear and leading an army. For some reason, all my alter egos have dark hair. 

To help introduce Lady Enigmatic to you, I've asked her to sit for an interview – not something she enjoys, but if presenting herself to the public will help her win The Joust, she's willing to play along.

Kate Beckinsale in Underworld Rise of the Lycans

You're a warrior, why do you love solving mysteries.

         I don't like secrets, and yet everyone has one, some minor but some deadly. I've always had the ability to sense a lie. It's aided me well in negotiations, but even better, during interrogations of the murderers I haul in.  

So, if I said, you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning The Joust, would that be a lie or the truth.

         Neither, it is your opinion. I am quite capable of winning The Joust on skill alone, but I may fail, as I am an unknown, from an unknown land. What will be will be, my fate is in the hands of the populace.

How did you get started telling tales of murder and mystery?

         Ever since I was a squire, on long excursions, we'd sit around the fire and exchange tales. I share stories of the beasts that hide in the shadows and covet our comforts.

Do you really have a pet dragon?

         You question the possibility.

(I thought she might slay me right there?) I … well, it's just that I've never seen a real dragon, I stuttered.

Then it is good I left him at home. I feared one of the Knights might make it their quest to defeat Maximillian. He is undefeated.

Undefeated? He fights – whom?

         He leads an army of Dragon Warriors, against the Abominable Ice Creatures in the Northland.

I see. (I didn't, not really, but I wasn't going to argue. She has the sharpest sword. I was going to ask her about the rumor of her being a cutpurse, a thief, but didn't want her to react and ask questions later. I'd also heard the other Knights started the rumor. Field competition?)
My last question – I understand you ride polar bears to practice for The Joust.

         Of course, they perform better on the ice and snow, but my horse is also trained well for the games here.

I shook her hand. Thank you for agreeing to an interview. I wish you all success today, and all week as the games continue.

         She bowed and strode away.

Gosh if only I could be a warrior with a pet dragon. Dream on Renee. Dream on.

I'll be fighting it out as
Lady Enigmatic in The Joust hosted M. Pax
I hope you'll come along and cheer me on!
My Joust is today, but you can cheer me on all week.
Please mention Lady Enigmatic today and every day
to help her win The Joust
and earn a chance to win your own prize!

The magic words are:

Lady Enigmatic
Cutpurse (means thief)

Lady Enigmatic earn points when you use these magic words to cheer her on in your comments on the Joust page, and you're placed into a drawing to win a prize that day.
Such as!
Lady Enigmatic has an incredible story about a cutpurse involved in murder.
Lady Enigmatic solves murder mysteries, but she'll quickly play the cutpurse to win this Joust.
Lady Enigmatic is rumored to have been a former Cutpurse and may have committed murder.

Just copy and paste!

All commenters on this page, and who use these magic words on the Joust Page will be entered into a drawing to win a

$5 Amazon gift card.

Winners will be announced before midnight each day until the Joust is over.
There's a new winner every day!
Right here on my blog too!

The more times you comment using the magic words, the more entries you'll have!
Also, M Pax is giving away prizes too!

The Winner of the $5 Amazon Gift Card 
& and eBook copy of both Murder Mysteries

Murder, Madness & Love
Memories of Murder

for Monday is

Sia McKye

And for Tuesday is

Pat Hatt


Comment and you could win today!

(All gift cards will be issued after the Faire)

 for .99 cents
in honor of 

Monday, November 9, 2015


Welcome to another awesome Monday! 
Today, I am hosting L G Keltner's cover reveal for her upcoming release 


A novella to be released on 
December 1, 2015 

Just in time for Christmas!


Dani Finklemeier has decided to write a self-help book about how to take over the world, but she’s not sure where to start.  After all, she’s only seventeen and looking for a better way to make money than babysitting.  She buys a self-help book that promises to teach her how to write a self-help book in the hope of getting the job done.

Not that it’ll be easy to get any work done this holiday season.  Her family is staying at the house for Christmas, and fights break out almost immediately.  Dani also has to deal with the fallout from an unexpected kiss with her best friend Seth and the feelings that go along with it.  On edge around her family and unsure how to interact with the one person she’s trusted with everything in the past, she can only take what inspiration she can from the crazy circumstances surrounding her and see what happens.

One way or another, it should be an interesting holiday.


L.G. Keltner spends most of her time trying to write while also cleaning up after her crazy but wonderful kids and hanging out with her husband.  Her favorite genre of all time is science fiction, and she’s been trying to write novels since the age of six.  Needless to say, those earliest attempts weren’t all that good. 

Her non-writing hobbies include astronomy and playing Trivial Pursuit.

You can typically find L.G. lurking around her blog, on Twitter, or on her Facebook page.

Title: Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family
Author: L.G. Keltner
Genre: Holiday/Humor
Length: 27,000
Cover Art: L.G. Keltner
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Pre-Order Links:

I hope you're all ready for the M. Pax's annual

Today is the first day!

I'll be fighting it out as
Lady Enigmatic in The Joust hosted M. Pax
I hope you'll come along and cheer me on!
Even though my Joust isn't until tomorrow
Please mention me today, and everyday 
to help me win The Joust
and earn a chance to win your own prize!

My magic words are:

Lady Enigmatic
Cutpurse (means thief) 

I earn points when you use these magic words 
to cheer me on in your comments on the Joust page and you're placed in a drawing to win a prize that day.

Such as!

Lady Enigmatic has an amazing story about a cutpurse involved in murder.
Lady Enigmatic solves murder mysteries but she'll easily play the cutpurse to win this Joust.
Lady Enigmatic is rumored to have been a former Cutpurse and may have committed murder.

Just copy and paste!

All commenters on this page, and who use these magic words on the Joust Page will be entered into a drawing to win a

$5 Amazon gift card.

Winners will be announced at midnight each day until the Joust is over. 
There's a new winner every day! 
Right here on my blog too!

The more times you comment using the magic words the more entries you'll have!

Plus, M Pax is giving away prizes too!

Hosted by MPax
Prizes for the winning knight. 
Prizes drawn daily for the crowd.
Up to 10 knights can joust. Each will battle daily. Magic words will be granted to each knight to pass out to their adoring fans. Knights score points by commenters using their magic words. Knight with the most points at the end of the week wins. What does the knight win? A year of promo on my blog in the slider and a tumbler printed with your championship boasts and badge (SEE HERE).
Winners are drawn daily from the adoring crowds.

Each cheerer may cheer 3x a day!
Each time they cheer, they'll be put into the daily drawing for prizes.
Both on M Pax's Joust page - and here !

Please check it out!


From November 9 - 16 & in honor of 

Lady Enigmatic - Yolanda Renee's

 crime thriller mystery Murder, Madness and

 Love is on sale‬ for 99 Cents‬!

Murder, Madness and Love
Sunlight blazes on an empty canvas.
Arctic winds gather snowflakes on a frosty window ledge as a statuesque form appears. She moves past a table littered with papers. Headlines splash news of murder, but it’s the photo of another young woman with features mirroring her own that draws her attention.
A different headline peeks from underneath the Anchorage Times.
Wealthy Businessman Dies in Car Crash … BLACK WIDOW SUSPECTED!
Graphic images swirl through her head and a tear rolls down her cheek. She drifts toward an easel and a trembling hand dips a sable brush into a palette of paint.
The Westminster doorbell chimes. The brush slips and blood-red paint stains the floor.
Detective Steven Quaid waits. His Tlingit, Indian features carved from granite, mask his Irish passion …
Will he arrest her this time?
All fingers point to her guilt.
But, is she guilty of this cunning plot? Or just a victim of circumstantial evidence?
The door opens …
His eyes lock on hers …
His heart races …
Hers skips a beat.

And even more exciting news via:


The Winner of the $5 Amazon Gift Card & an eBook copy of both Murder Mysteries
Murder, Madness & Love 
Memories of Murder

for Monday is

Sia McKye


(All gift cards will be issued after the Faire)

Thursday, November 5, 2015


This is a Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction Challenge. Hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields  and all based off a photo. This weeks prompt is provided by and copyright to Connie Gayer.

Rochelle requires participants, in 100 words or less write about the picture provided. You can read this week’s stories by clicking on the Blue Links and the Blue Frog.


The sand held hints of the lives lost, strands of wire, coins, and jewels buried deep. Treasure hunters with metal detectors crisscrossed the beach for days. The land was devoid of its former glory. The city was gone, and its entire population too.

         A breezy summer morning determined to be a hot blistering day had turned apocalyptic. A rogue wave forty stories high hit the coast. In the blink of an eye, the resort disappeared. Mom and Dad had planned their retirement for years but barely had the chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor before nature heartlessly rebelled.

100 words
Yolanda Renée © 2015



8 our of 9 of my stories 
were just accepted for publication in

25 Word Micro Flash Fiction Tales

Please consider reading and voting for my stories.
Thank you!