This is a Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction Challenge. Hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and all based off a photo. This weeks prompt is provided by and copyright to Connie Gayer.
Rochelle requires participants, in 100 words or less write about the picture provided. You can read this week’s stories by clicking on the Blue Links and the Blue Frog.
The sand held hints of the lives lost, strands of wire, coins, and jewels buried deep. Treasure hunters with metal detectors crisscrossed the beach for days. The land was devoid of its former glory. The city was gone, and its entire population too.
A breezy summer morning determined to be a hot blistering day had turned apocalyptic. A rogue wave forty stories high hit the coast. In the blink of an eye, the resort disappeared. Mom and Dad had planned their retirement for years but barely had the chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor before nature heartlessly rebelled.
100 words
Yolanda Renée © 2015
8 our of 9 of my stories
were just accepted for publication in
25 Word Micro Flash Fiction Tales
Please consider reading and voting for my stories.
Thank you!