Monday, October 18, 2021

Vampires are the Undead


Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash


A vampire's hunger

is gnawing and deep

are you ready to grasp

a life undead

immortal you'd be

not of this coil

but dead and cold

decaying inside

as you hunger and crave,

 the warmth of life's blood

from an innocent babe

someone you love,

take all you want

get death in return

your life you've forfeit,

for the mantle of doom.

So which would you choose?

This trick or this treat

on this most 

dark and deadly

Halloween fête?

Yolanda Renée (C) 2021


Thursday, October 14, 2021

It's the Witch's Night


Photo by Bellava G on Unsplash


Their cackles will raise your hackles

called laughter

but isn't funny

goosebumps and chills

such a haunting sound

reminds all that

the devil's evil abounds

and her appearance

is so out of sorts

her green skin and brown warts

an ugly sight

scraggly hair, missing teeth,

red bulging eyes,

doesn't lend confidence

not this Halloween night

don't point or draw attention

for her cruse may be real

if you catch her watching

she's sizing you up

it might seem like fun

but it's masquerade night

and those in costume

are the ones hiding

but the witch

is locked onto you

and only morning will tell

for it's dawn when you'll know

if her curse worked well

for you'll be alive

and not floating face down in the well.

Yolanda Renée (C) 2021


and WEP Challenge!

Monday, October 11, 2021

A Date on Halloween


Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

A Date on Halloween

 A walk in the woods

my date insists

to a dilapidated home

why not roam.

 Once inside,

the temperature changes

a cold spot

to warn of the dangers

 Upstairs a silvery-white apparition

with no definition

my date laughs

and I join in.

 A door slams

I jump in shock

then a chair rocks

and I grab his hand.

 Ice dances

up my spine

but his

touch gives me hope.

Can they hurt us?

No, we'll be fine, he blurts.

Then a blood-curdling scream

roots me to the scene.

 Too scared to move

what does it mean?

I ask my date.

but he's nowhere in sight.

 I shiver in sheer fright

too scared to turn

beyond frightened to learn

who it is

that's holding my hand

this Halloween fright.

 Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Dancing Bones the Devil's Delight


Sabina Music Rich on Unsplash

Dancing Bones

See that beautiful girl

at one time,

she was all mine

but I held on too tight

we got in a fight

now my bones

are all that's left of me

while my girl sings,

and dances, she laughs

and buys pretty things

for my bones hang 

high from a tree

I meant to kill her

and bury her deep

but she made a deal with the devil

and now I'm the one to dance and weep

she got a new life

and a new love

and each October

when the clock tolls midnight

I dance to her laughter

and the devils

sheer delight

for with the murderer

turned victim

the beast now has

two new souls

added to his account

this Halloween night.

 Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021



Monday, October 4, 2021

What'd You Decide?


Photo by Felipe Vieira on Unsplash

Will you Scream for Halloween?

Ghouls and goblins

ghosts and haunted inns,

vampires and werewolves,

Frankenstein or Clementine

take your pick

it's trick or treats time

a chance to pretend

to dress up

a chance to come out

and be who you really are

eat candy or Candy

your choice

your predilection

in October,

we're all on a mission

so, enjoy your haunt

masquerade party

or kill

Octobers the month

for many a thrill.

 Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021


The time has arrived

for a

Friday, October 1, 2021

It's Time to Decide!


 Photo by Andreas Avgousti on Unsplash

What do you do? 


Screams heard on Halloween

an expression




immediate fear

do you take quick action

ignore the warning

just close your ears

or go to the aid

maybe sit, too afraid

that danger will take you

as its toll, if you

answer the call

or ignore it all

act at your own risk

it's Halloween

and that's the twist!

 Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021



Don't forget...

The Scream

Thursday, September 30, 2021

A Zombie Dance


Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash

Zombie Dance

The dead walk the Earth

Halloween night

ghouls and zombies,

all corpses,

invited to delight

for nothing frightens

more than a

dead dance party

dangling skin

open wounds,

empty eye sockets,

blood and gore

come on

must we say more

dance, they all do

but only after

making a meal of you!

Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021


Are you ready for WEP's


Challenge Flash?


Monday, September 27, 2021

The Dead Will Walk on Halloween!



There's plenty of ghouls

on land and sea

some drowned

others just tried to flee

from a life

long and hard

or a crime they didn't foresee

watery deaths

or bones

those murderers

buried deep

terra Earth

will always be discreet

but on Halloween

those spirits will arise

to remind the living

that evil thrives

and is always close by.

   Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021


It's almost time for the "WEP"


Monday, September 20, 2021

The Woods on Halloween


Photo by Filip Zrnzević on Unsplash

The Woods

The woods are dark

but the moon is high

come and visit

when the moon is nigh


we won't bite

or frighten you away

we want your company

at least for the night


we're here to please you

eat and be merry

dance with delight

our haunting will end

at the stroke of midnight. 

   Yolanda Renée  (C) 2021


Just because it's almost Halloween,

A Challenge based on The Scream!

Monday, September 13, 2021

What Do You Like About Halloween Night?


Photo by Szabó János on Unsplash

Halloween Night

What do you like about

Halloween night

is it the dancing, the prancing

or the disguise you adore.


Does it go deeper

to your very core

the call of the weird and unknown

or the cry of the new victim

all your own.


Do you flaunt your evil

or hide your lust

until that moment

desire takes hold.


Do you pounce like an animal

or seduce with finesse

do you kill with passion

or a snap of your finger.


blood flows

is it just as you imagined

death the ultimate

 Halloween trick or treat.

 Yolanda Renée (C) 2021





Wednesday, September 8, 2021

You're Invited to SCREAM!



It's automatic

when danger is near


help will come

all will be well



at the injustice

scream at the liars

and anti-vaxxers who

spread the fear



when all else fails

release those pent-up emotions

scream when alone

no one will hear



 until hoarse

at the source

a nightmare

 or fright



as a captive unheard

or when

the hero is near



for sheer joy, good news

or to amuse


for fun and good cheer





that's our theme!

Yolanda Renee © 2021


The WEP's October Challenge

Please join us for Scream

The Scream by Edvard Munch was a shoo-in for October - this challenge is devoted to the horror genre in honour of the Halloween/Samhain/observances of the other world spirits. Go as creepy as you like. But other genres are welcome too, there’s no genre police here, except that non-negotiable no to erotica.

This is a world renowned artwork symbolising the horror and angst of the human condition. It has since its creation in 1893, become an iconic representation of modern life. Read about The Scream here.

Edvard Munch was a Norwegian born artist who split much of his working life between Berlin and Paris. Mental health issues ran in the family, so Munch had occasion so observe its effects from close proximity. He was much influenced by Impressionists and post-Impressionists such as van Gogh.

The prompt is wide open to interpretations - who will it be that screams? And why – in pain, terror or exultation?

Will it be a human scream that rends the air? Or an animal one? Or a scream from another world altogether? Or will it be a cosmic scream of the planet?

A silent scream in colours, like the one Munch felt in a sunset sky above a fjord? Or an articulated one in sound and words? Just a gasp or piercingly loud? That’s up to you. We’ve got our ears cocked and ready listening for it.



Monday, August 30, 2021

Novel Ideas

Mason Canyon just published a review for 

A Passion for Murder.

Just follow the link to read. 

A Passion for Murder






Several times in the two weeks after he'd reported for work, Steven was discovered asleep in Tiama’s room. A baby monitor and camera kept everyone informed of Tiama's needs, but for the third time this week, Steven ended up sleeping there too. No matter what time he came in from work, the nursery was the first place Steven would visit. It held a comfortable chair where he'd relax, often with his son in his arms. Since starting work, it's where he found respite. Without disturbing Steven, Sarah fed, then changed Tiama and rocked him back to sleep.

After she had her son taken care of, she tried to wake her husband. Sarah shook him gently. "Steven. Come to bed with me. You'll be more comfortable. I promise."

Startled, Steven jerked awake, grabbed her by the throat, his chair slamming shut with a loud thud as he stood. Forcing Sarah backward, he banged her head against the wall. The harsh growl from his throat sounded animalistic. His face contorted with the resolve to destroy his enemy.

Frightened and caught off guard, Sarah tried to scream. Instead, she could barely croak his name. "Steven." Failing, she made a fist and struck him. "Get off me." She tried to yell.

Her wallop caught his attention. He loosened his grip as it took him a second to realize what he was doing. The newly hired Nanny rushed into the room. She stopped cold, unsure of what was happening.

"Oh, God. Sarah, I’m so sorry." He held her close. "I’m so sorry. Are you okay?" He held her away from him to check the damage. She was clutching her neck and trying to get her breath. He moved her hand and saw the bruises already forming. "Oh my God, what have I done?"

"Nila, it's all right," Sarah told the frightened girl. "Tiama is sleeping," she rasped. "Go back to bed."


Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that develops following frightening, stressful, or distressing life events.


The symptoms may include:

·        Reliving–flashbacks, hallucinations, nightmares of the incident

·        Excessive arousal–increased alertness, anger, fits of rage, irritability, or hatred, difficulty sleeping or concentrating·         

Data from Focus Medica. Reviewed by a panel of doctors.Learn more

Consult a medical professional for advice

Steven and Sarah went through a horrendous year after The Snowman escaped prison. Steven knows Sarah suffers from PTSD, but he isn't willing to label his own stress the same. 

Denial is typical, but help is key to fighting your way through it. Something many of us have a tough time asking for and accepting.