Saturday, April 1, 2017

A - April Fools' Day

Alaska - the 49th State

I heard today that the President has arranged to give Alaska back to Russia, in payment to Putin for helping him win the election!

My contribution to April Fools' Day - an alternative fact! 😊

You've been warned.
My A to Z posts are all about Alaska.

I also have a new book being released this month
the Snowman

And the setting is?
You guessed right - in Alaska.

Steven Quaid's first case after making Detective.

Also, I will only be posting on Monday's
the full week's letters and an excerpt from
the Snowman.

Here's the list and links:

B =  Bear Stew 
C = Crena
D = Dredging
G = Girdwood

L = Liars

O = Obscene
Q = Quiver
V = Victim
W = Wicked
X –- Y –- Z = Random Variables

Coming Soon

The Snowman

Yolanda Renée

Stowy Jenkins, aka, Stone, and as Alaskans refer to him, the Snowman, is a true artist. His muse, Gigi, is the ultimate inspiration for his painting. Her rejection inspires him to use a very unusual medium…blood.

While art may be his passion, the taste for blood is his obsession, and multiple murders, the result.

Rookie, Detective Steven Quaid, is no fan of the Snowman’s murderous exhibitions. A twisted and deadly relationship bond the two men and neither knows who will come out of it alive.

Hope you're up for some more interesting facts about the 49th State or just some interesting facts.
 Some mentioned in the book others just because they fit the days letter!

your turn.
What's your best April Fools' Joke?

FYI Sign up starts today for the April WEP Challenge!


Denise Covey said...

Hello there partner! My, you're going to be such a busy lady this April. Looks like you're well and truly sorted, giving you time to get to those edits. Go for it~ :-)

T.F. Walsh said...

Love the theme of your challenge... will be back as I love all things Alaska. )

Nicola said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Let's hope it stays a joke - LOL! Great post. Wishing you a fantastic April, Yolanda and looking forward to reading all about Alaska.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Good on you posting a week's worth of letters together - nifty! A is for Alternatives :) Will be back to read all about painting with blood...sounds deliciously horrifying.

Have a great A-Z!

Keith's Ramblings said...

'North to Alaska, go north the rush is on'! And I'm coming with you. Great start.

Click HERE to read my 200-word tale

Yolanda Renée said...

Just wish I felt as confident as you sound. My life is imploding right before my eyes. Busy - a word that doesn't even come close! :)
But it is what it is! Thanks, Denise!

Yolanda Renée said...

Cool! Thanks, T. F.! I'll do my best to reciprocate!

Yolanda Renée said...

Hi, Nicola, so glad you found it amusing. Touchy time and others may not. But it seemed apropos! :)

Yolanda Renée said...

Some may think it's cheating, but it's really all I have time for right now. Thanks, Nila!

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Keith. Coming over to read your tale! Happy April Fool's Day and start to the A to Z!

Deborah Weber said...

Great joke, great post, and great adaptation to playing in the challenge despite being crazily busy. Yay you! I'll be looking forward to reading about Alaska while awaiting The Snowman.

Pat Hatt said...

lol just what Canada wants, the Russians nearby. Sure it will be fun as you give a to z a run.

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Deborah! Would be an interesting change! But I fear they may all ready be in charge here! Oops!

Yolanda Renée said...

Hi, Pat, ditto my comment from above. Why should we have all the fun, Canada surely doesn't want to be left out! :)

cleemckenzie said...

Can't you add something else to your list? Such a slacker, Yolanda. :-) Wow. with all of this going on should I send vitamins? Instead, I'll send encouragement and congratulations. Here's to Alaska from A to Z.

Tamara Narayan said...

When my kids were tiny, we took them to beginning swim classes. I received a letter from the county that since my baby peed in the pool, we would be billed for the clean-up costs at around $800 bucks. I was horrified and my husband? He was giggling. Yep, I'd been pranked. I still haven't forgiven him.

A is for Apollo 11 moon landing: Was it real?

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Well, aren't YOU the clever one? (And here I thought you were only gonna do A-E... HA!)

I love your April Fool's joke. Great way to get your A-Z challenge going. Your post list sounds pretty darned ambitious, but I know you'll pull it off like a pro. Have fun with it!

Jo said...

I thought you really meant it at first. Phew. Forgot what day it was. Mind you, knowing him, it could have been true.

Yolanda Renée said...

When it rains, it pours! Thanks, Lee, appreciate the support!

Yolanda Renée said...

That's too funny. I'd have fallen for it too! Thanks, for sharing!

Yolanda Renée said...

Hi, Susan:
Don't know how clever I am. Foolish for sure! Thanks, I'm going to try!

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Jo, isn't it horrible, we'd actually believe such a thing could be true! So sad!
Happy April Fools' Day!

JazzFeathers said...

Well, you know, looks like the entire world is going crazy, so I wouldn't surprise to have Aprils Fool Day (and not the fun kind) everyday ;-)

Your books sounds awesome :-)

The Old Shelter - 1940s Film Noir

Janet said...

LOL great start to the AtoZ. I visited Alaska about 35 years ago with my sister to attend a cousin's wedding. We had great fun.

A is for Adele

Nick Wilford said...

Thanks for the laugh. We could all do with one!

Sophie Duncan said...

*giggle* - I like the alternative fact ;)

Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - Dragon Diaries

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Sophie, it just seemed to fit! :)

Yolanda Renée said...

Boy isn't that the truth! :) Hi, Nick!

Yolanda Renée said...

A beautiful place for a wedding! Hi, Janet!

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Sarah! I can't wait too see it out there!

My Shasta Home said...

Stopping by from the A-Z blog challenge. Alaska has always fascinated me. My husband was in the coast guard and he spent many years in Alaska and the Bering Sea on Cutter ships, rescuing many fishermen. Excellent theme and first post.

My theme is all about baby boomers and those years we grew up. Grab some cookies and milks and come on over. Atomic Bombs

Click said...

Don't joke, anything's possible in politics at the moment, it seems! ;-)

I can still remember when I was in primary school, about five or six, and the teacher drew a cat on the blackboard, then got a couple of kids to get the caretaker to tell him there was a cat in the classroom. When he started looking for it we all started squawking different directions for him to look, it was a good couple of minutes before he realised the cat was just drawn on the blackboard, hehe.

Cait @ Click's Clan

Natalie said...

Hehe I like your "alternative fact"! The Snowman sounds interesting, I'll definitely be back on Monday to read the excerpt. :)

I’m taking part in the challenge for the first time this year. :) I’m a writer too, stepping outside my comfort zone and delving into crime writing. My theme is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer.

Yolanda Renée said...

Hi, Debby, hoping over with out the cookies and mile. Prefer a glass of wine, if that's all right? :) I'm glad you go to spend some time there! Amazing place!

Yolanda Renée said...

It's so awful that we fear such a thing could be true. But today, who knows! That's a great April Fool Joke! LOL

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Natalie! Good luck with the diary. Sounds fascinating!

Yolanda Renée said...

Hi, again, Natalie. I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but the 'captcha' wouldn't let me. You might want to disable that!

Denise said...

I was hoping his election was an April Fool's joke. Love your alternative fact.

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks, Denise!
If only it were!

Debbie D. said...

That's a fun alternative fact. ☺ Sorry the election wasn't an April Fool's joke!

An artistic serial killer in Alaska. Fascinating premise!

Tamara said...

That sounds like something the Donald might actually do 😂

Tamara said...

It certainly feels like a (bad) joke, Debbie!

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

LOL - it'll be headline news tomorrow! ;)
I imagine living in Alaska might be an advantage when blood is one's medium.
Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

Michelle Wallace said...

The whole world is going crazy so anything is possible...there's no news that shocks me at the moment. LOL
Happy A to Z'ing!

Michelle Wallace said...

I see you've linked the WATWB badge to my post and also have me on the side bar under your list of must-reads...thank you, Yolanda! *blows a kiss*

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

My husband and I took a cruise to Alaska on our honeymoon, so I'll be following your topic with interest!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan, Science Fiction/Fantasy Author

Isaak Berng said...
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Isaak Berng said...

Haha!:) What a witty joke about Trump and Putin. Though it's a joke, there's something true in it. But I read D.Trump often makes jokes on this topic publicly. He often says to Putin " Don’t meddle in the election next time" in a joking manner.Do you think it means something? Or is it just a simple joke?