Monday, April 24, 2017

T thru Z for the A to Z

Taxidermy is the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals (especially vertebrates) for display (e.g., as hunting trophies or museum display) or for other sources of study (like species identification) or simply the preservation of a beloved pet. Taxidermy can be done on all vertebrate species of animals, including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

Just another of Stone’s hobbies, but the question is:
Does he combine the two?

Upholsterers' regulator with plastic handle is a must for every taxidermy shop. Use for adjusting skin on game heads, life-sized animal bodies, setting eyes, drilling legs, adjusting ears and more!

A must have tool in Stone’s shop!

V = Victim – a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.

·      A person who is tricked or duped.

·      A living creature killed as a religious sacrifice. (This is the definition that surprised me.

Sad to say, Stone has way to many victims.

W = Wicked – evil or morally wrong

·      Intended to or capable of harming someone or something

·      Extremely unpleasant

·      Playfully mischievous

In the Snowman, Stone is certainly wicked, but there's an even more sinister character in the background.
Hmm . . .

X + Y = Z

X –- Y –- Z   Consider these as random variables.

Is it possible that this mathematical problem has only one solution? Or is there a variable that we’ve missed?

For instance: 
                              If  X = the Snowman
                                  And Y = Murder
     Then Z = Detective Quaid



Youngsters dressed in colorful costumes rang the doorbell every few minutes. While his mother played the hostess and handed out candy to the little beggars, Stone perused the weather channel. Dressed as a witch, his mother cackled and teased the trick or treaters, making most of them laugh, but others ran away in fear. Smart kid, Stone thought after he had witnessed the fifth kid ran off without the candy.

“See you later, Mom. I have a Halloween party to go to.”

“But you’re not even in costume,” she noted.

“Oh, but I am. Tonight, I’m the Avenger.” He lifted a black mask to his face and twirled his flowing cape to show her that he had the spirit of the holiday.

She laughed and waved him on as another group of ghosts and goblins came up the steps.


Was it fair to end with a mathematical equation
for X, Y & Z? Probably not, but I really needed a shortcut for this one! :)

And that ends my A to Z Contributions for the 2017 Challenge. I hope you had fun and enjoyed the journey through the Snowman with a little bit of Alaska on the side! Thanks for all of your comments and visits!

I failed to meet the commitment required of the A to Z, but getting the Snowman to publication, re-publishing the first three books of the trilogy, and putting the house on the market has consumed me.
I owe all of you big time!
Thank you!

I do hope you'll join me on the tour!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Just For You!

Yolanda Renée © 2017

Sunset Blues

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.

-- John Muir

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

WEP - A LIfe Stolen

A Life Stolen

I shared myself
You wanted more
I shared my hopes
You crushed them
I shared my dreams
You despised them
I shared my joy
You took it
I shared my love
You destroyed it
I shared my life
You stole it.
                                                                                 Yolanda Renée © 2017

Read all the entries here!



  1. SUBMIT your name to the Inlinkz list below NOW if you wish to participate
  2. CREATE your entry according to the theme - April - Peace and Love. More info here
  3. EDIT your entry until it sparkles.
  4. PUBLISH on your blog on April 19, 2017 or earlier.
  5. STATE FEEDBACK PREFERENCES (full critique to general comments)
  6. READ & COMMENT on other entries. This is key to the success of WEP
1. Denise Covey - DL  8. Pat Garcia - DL  15. Kalpanaa - DL  
2. Yolanda Renee - DL  9. Patrick Hatt - DL  16. Arpan Ghosh -DL  
3. L.G. Keltner - DL  10. N. R. Williams - DL  17. J Lenni Dorner - DL  
4. Far Away Eyes - DL  11. Olga Godim - DL  18. Sally - DL  
5. DG Hudson - DL  12. dolorah at Book Lover -DL  19. Laura Clipson - DL  
6. Hilary Melton-Butcher - DL  13. Roland Yeomans - DL  
7. Nilanjana Bose - DL  14. Michelle Wallace - DL  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

The above 'Stolen Life' is in honor
of Stowy Jenkins!
I'm thrilled to announce the release
of my latest!
The Snowman


Meet Stowy Jenkins!

   Yolanda Renée

Monday, April 17, 2017

N thru S for the A to Z

Alaska has several natural hot springs. A tourist favorite is Chena Hot Springs. 90 minutes from Fairbanks it’s a favorite in the summer or the winter, when the aurora borealis is active.

Besides Chena there are at least 12 other Natural Hot Springs in the Alaskan Interior. And while a natural spring is mentioned in the Snowman, it's not in Alaska.


O = Obscene – offensive to moral principles, repugnant

(of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.

The Snowman may be offensive for both the violence and the sexual portrayals of the story. Please be forewarned. Stone is not a nice character.

P = Ptarmigan – (t arm again) The Willow Ptarmigan is the State Bird of Alaska. Also, known as the Arctic Grouse or as some in Alaska call them, the Alaskan chicken. There are three types of Ptarmigan and all are found in Alaska - the Willow, the Rock, and the white tailed.

In the Snowman I mentioned the ptarmigan as part of the Alaskan turducken dish of - ptarmigan, bear, and moose. FYI - there is no such dish! 😉

Q = Quiver or quiver?

To quiver is to tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion or it’s a slight trembling movement or sound especially one caused by a sudden strong emotion.
Or a Quiver is the tool that holds your arrows.
Both examples are used in the Snowman – both uses cause uncontrollable shaking, terror, and eventually result in death.

R = Reincarnation – “Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, can begin a new life in a new body. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Hindu religion. The Buddhist concept of rebirth is also often referred to as reincarnation and is a belief that was held by such historic figures as Pythagoras, Plato, and Socrates.”
Stone believes in reincarnation - can he kill the same person twice?

S = Sadistic – deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

How would you feel waking up on Stone's autopsy table?
Sadism is Stone’s specialty. As I said before, be forewarned! Stowy is not a nice guy!


   Yolanda Renée

Naked, bound, and with a thundering headache, Carol stirred. She blinked several times. The fluorescent light above her blinding.

Where am I? The hospital?

No bitch. You’re on the autopsy table … and … you’re dead. Stone said, emphasizing each word.

Tears immediately appeared. You bastard.She struggled, but neither her stretched out arms or legs would move.

Stone leaned close. “Tell me who did you rat me out too?

You. I dont know you.She stared wide eyed.

I know you wrote down my license plate number, both times. Once with Kathy and the other time with Crystal. Do-gooding got you killed. Whod you give them to?


Have you ever visited a Natural Hot Springs?

What do you consider obscene?

Personally, the political scene fits my definition! 😊

Ever eat ptarmigan?

Ever found yourself in a quiver?

Do you believe in reincarnation?

And sadism, wow, how much is too much?
I’m afraid Stone hasn’t reached his limit – at least for dishing it out!

Monday, April 10, 2017

H thru M for the A to Z

H = Hoodoo Mountains, AK

Home of the Arctic Man Challenge. The Arctic Man is one of the World's Toughest Downhill Ski races, and an exciting snowmobile race, all in one.”

"The Alaska Interior covers most of the U.S. state's territory. It is largely wilderness. Mountains include Denali in the Alaska Range, the Wrangell Mountains, and the Ray Mountains. The native people of the interior are Alaskan Athabaskans."  

Juneau is the capital of Alaska.
"Downtown Juneau is nestled at the base of Mount Juneau and across the channel from Douglas Island. The Tlingit name of the town is Dzántik'i Héeni, and Auke Bay just north of Juneau proper is called Áak'w in Tlingit.
The Taku River, just south of Juneau, was named after the cold t'aakh wind, which occasionally blows down from the mountains."
Steven Quaid is Tlingit, and his family is from Juneau.
"Gold! Gold! in the Klondike!"
"During the first year of the rush an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 gold seekers spent an average of three months packing their outfits up the trails and over the passes to the lakes."
"More than 3,000 animals died on this trail; many of their bones still lie at the bottom on Dead Horse Gulch." National Park Service

The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.
Stephen King

L = Liars
“A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others.” Truth About Deception

Stone is a sociopath and very adept at lying.

Here’s a place you can take a quiz and see where you fall on the lying scale. HERE!

“A marionette is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations. A marionette's puppeteer is called a marionettist.
Marionettes are operated with the puppeteer hidden or revealed to an audience by using a vertical or horizontal control bar in different forms of theatres or entertainment venues.” Wikipedia
There is a chapter in the Snowman titled Marionette, enough said. 😉
The Snowman
Yolanda Renée

The forest was still. The cold misty air filled Steven’s lungs revitalizing him. Breathing deeply, he let the stress of the last few months slip away.
The confrontation with his father over his career choice left Steven on edge even though they’d compromised. Steven had met the political machine in Juneau, and his father had enlisted the aid of several of his friends to add more pressure. While consistent, the timeline for submission to the political realm had moved to the future. His father wouldn't give up that easy. Hell, Dad will never give up; it's why he such a good politician.
He scoped through the trees of the valley and focused on the Mendenhall Glacier. The knots in his shoulders loosened. A vision of creamy skin tucked under a garbage bag cleaved its way into his thoughts. I wonder what’s happening in the case. Did another clue surface?
The grunts of a moose took his mind off the mystery. Bow and arrow in hand he scanned the area.
Would you ski down a mountain while being pulled by a snowmobile?
One of the biggest tourist sites, Interior Alaska, if you only take the cruise, look at what you're missing.
Juneau, would you live in a place only accessible by boat or plane?
Would you risk it all on the Klondike?
How good of a liar are you?
Are you as creeped out by Marionettes as I am?


Okay, the truth, I bit off more than I could chew!
I will not be able to adequately participate in the challenge. Although, I'll let my posts run, there is no way I can get to all the daily postings, although I will make an attempt to hit everyone at least once a week!
Wishing you all the best for the rest of this crazy busy month!