Sunday, March 26, 2017


Yolanda Renee © 2017

One of the last pictures taken on my visit to the beach.
A strong foretelling of things to come.
The temperature was 29 degrees and storm clouds were on the horizon.

For you - For me - a little inspiration!

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Shel Silverstein

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”
Robert Fulghum

“Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.”
Langston Hughes

Monday, March 20, 2017

A to Z Reveal 2017

It just so happens I have a new book coming out in April. So of course, my A to Z Challenge is all about Alaska and Stowy Jenkins, aka Stone, the Snowman!
I hope you’ll enjoy the little snippets of information and the book excerpts that I’ll share!
Happy Spring everyone!
Although I'm no longer at the beach, snow and ice was my greeting – but Spring is finally here!
Well, almost!

Happy A to Z ing!

In your comment, please leave a link to your reveal. I'd love to follow your posts for the Challenge!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Today is the day they say beware of

Because poor Caesar
lost his life this day

It may have been for him,
a day to beware

But today, is truly a day
for counting blessings

Tomorrow is the day for wariness

Friday, March 10, 2017


Author Maria Santomasso-Hyde

is visiting today as part of her


Blog Tour with MC Book Tours.

Her book is scheduled to be

released March 14 by Dancing Lemur Press.


Charlotte, 6-1-09

Apparently, my name is Charlotte now. The woman keeps saying it in my direction―and I like it. The way she says it makes it sound like I’m something special, “Charrrr-lit.” It’s like she’s trying to purr; maybe I can teach her how.

I’m B.C.―Barn Cat. The woman’s friend told her to name me “Charlotte” because I was living in the barn and that’s the setting of the book Charlotte’s Web. The women laughed and thought they were so clever. Whatever. All I know is I like the way the woman says my name, so I tend to perk up and listen when she says it. Also, it sounds classy. Perhaps Queen Charlotte would be better, since I am regal, especially for a B.C. I have large, golden eyes and a silky all-black coat that looks like something humans would pay a lot of money to wear. I’m sensually slim, and humans find me quite attractive and want to touch me all the time.

Since I’m the voice of this book (for now), I need to take a minute to warn you. If you got this book because you saw the title and thought this would be about cute, little kitties, then you’re only partly right. As a cat, I know deep, mysterious things. If a person wants to spend time with me, then he or she will learn to be quiet and still, to listen, to be calm. Then the human will think more deeply, and they, too, will know the mysterious things. That’s why we cats were worshipped in the ancient days (the good old days).


If you’re looking for a story that will touch your heart, you’ve found it in this tender story of love, loss, and inspiration. You could win your own copy, just check out the giveaway details.

◊ He Gave Me BARN CATS
◊ by Maria Santomass0-Hyde
◊ Published by Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
◊ Available March 14, 2017
◊ $10.95, 6x9 Trade paperback, 134 pages
◊ Genres: Christian Fiction / Christian Life-Death, Grief, Bereavement
◊ Print ISBN 978-1-939844-21-7 eBook ISBN 978-1-939844-22-4
◊ Order through Ingram, Follett Library Resources, or from the publisher
◊ $3.99 eBook available in all formats

Inspired by true events...

        Maria has cared for her very ill mother for many years. Her burdens are heavy, causing a sadness bordering on darkness.  When she discovers her historic barn is now home to a mother cat and kittens, she feels lighter than she has in years. As the kittens grow, they teach her as only animals can do.
          Then tragedy strikes. As Maria loses her family, the darkness envelopes her like the heavy fog that blankets her Blue Ridge Mountain home each morning. She creates a scorecard:  God: 9, Maria: 0.  Her questions turn into anger at God.  She searches to find answers as to why her loving God would take away so much in such a short time.
          How will she learn to trust again? Can the kittens in her barn help her heal?

HE GAVE ME BARN CATS is available for pre-order in print format at following sites: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, Everything Cats, Foyles, and Chapters-Indigo.

HE GAVE ME BARN CATS is available for order in eBook format at the following sites: Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, and Amazon.

Be sure to add HE GAVE ME BARN CATS to your shelf on Goodreads.

Formerly a newspaper reporter, Maria Santomasso-Hyde now owns Alta Vista Fine Art Gallery.

She lives in Valle Crucis, North Carolina, with her husband, Lee, and The Queen of the Universe (Roma, their Black Cat) … and other Black Cats who decide to move in.

Connect with Maria on her

Come join the blog tour and learn more about Maria and HE GAVE ME BARN CATS by visiting the following blog:

March 8 - Rockin' Book Reviews - Guest Post
March 10 - Defending The Pen - Excerpt
March 13 - Reviews by Crystal - Q&A

Alex J. Cavanaugh - Guest Post
March 14 - Thoughts in Progress - Review
March 15 - Open
March 16 - A Bluestocking's Place - Excerpt

deal sharing aunt - Review
March 17 - Juneta @ Writer's Gambit - Q&A
March 20 - Reviews From the Heart - Review

The Story of a Writer - Feature

CBY Book Club - Excerpt
March 21 - bookworm1102 - Excerpt

Storey Book Reviews - Excerpt

Celticlady's Reviews - Feature

Giveaway Details:

This is a tour-wide giveaway for two (2) print copies (U.S only) and two (2) eBooks (international). To enter just click on the Rafflecopter widget below and follow the instructions.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Yolanda Renee © 2017

a palate like no other
the Artist creates
beauty without description.


the cover of the Snowman

 is organizing the Blog Tour for

Please go HERE to sign up /
or leave a comment with your email address.

I'd love to send you a review copy or do a guest post or interview!

Thank you, in advance!


Her face froze in a silent scream. The glass dropped from her hand, and red wine stained the virgin snow. Shattered into small chunks, the angel statues dripped blood.
         Several spotlights glowed red.
         Three grotesquely staged female torsos were draped across the frozen creek. Their heads hung from the ornate bridge, tied in place by their hair. A red stream trailed from each body. Their grisly end caught in deaths final scream.
          Gigi reeled backward. He eyes widened as she read the crude message: Welcome Home, My Love.


Thursday, March 2, 2017


I was privileged to watch a storm,
miles from shore.
So lovely!
Lightening flashes above the clouds,
and in the clouds,
they lit up the morning sky.
so far away
I couldn't hear the cracks of thunder.

My own private fireworks show.

Such a beautiful sunrise.

I am blessed!


In case you missed the IWSG post I've added the sign up information for the Blog Tour for the Snowman!

Please consider helping a girl out! :)

the cover of the Snowman

 is organizing the Blog Tour for

Please go HERE to sign up /
or leave a comment with your email address.

I'd love to send you a review copy or do a guest post or interview!

Thank you, in advance!


 Maggy struggled against the restraints. “Please don’t do this.” her voice wavered in her throat.
Stone tilted the autopsy table and locked it in place. The old relic, now refurbished, worked like new.
Stone’s heart raced. “Oh, but I do.” he said silkily. “I need your blood to create the new colors for my latest masterpiece."
"I'll give you my blood. As much as you like.”
"I know, sweetheart.  I know." Stone smoothed the sweat soaked hair back from her face. "Sweet little Maggy. So lovely of you to offer."


Wednesday, March 1, 2017


First, I have to say thank you, to everyone who’s supported me these last few months while I work to achieve a goal – the completion of my novelette the Snowman.

My appreciation is 10-fold, truly, as I’ve been horribly absent from the social side of blogging due to this deadline, but your support has meant the world.

I’d initially thought I’d be announcing the completion of Motive for Murder, and while I gave it everything I had, I couldn’t seem to get it to gel. Not yet – maybe later – maybe never.

But, the Snowman has gelled. Stowy Jenkins, aka Stone (his artistic pseudonym) aka the Snowman, demanded my attention, and I gave it to him.

Therefore, he granted me two books. Well, a novelette, sans the Snowman, and the next novel in the Detective Quaid series, Murder, Just Because.

I don’t think of my time writing Motive for Murder a complete loss, it's just NOT this books time.

Which leads me to this month’s IWSG Question, very apropos by the way!

Because when you consider the time and effort that I’ve put into Motive for Murder, it does sting a bit that I can’t make it happen as a novel right now. Still, I don’t count it out .. not yet!

IWSG Question: Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked it? Did it work out?

Many times, I have a storehouse of short story ideas that I go back to, especially when I need something in a pinch, or if a prompt reminds me of something I’ve already penned.

Many a time, I’ve sat down and written something  inspired by something seen or done that day. You never know when an idea will grow into a full-fledged book.

So, there’s hope for Motive for Murder, right?

What about you?
Have you ever shelved an entire novel?

Be sure to stop by and thank the co-Hosts:

Tamara Narayan
Patsy Collins
M.J. Fifield
Nicohle Christopherson

the cover of the Snowman

 is organizing the Blog Tour for

Please go HERE to sign up /
or leave a comment with your email address.

I'd love to send you a review copy or do a guest post or interview!

Thank you, in advance!


 Maggy struggled against the restraints. “Please don’t do this.” her voice wavered in her throat.
Stone tilted the autopsy table and locked it in place. The old relic, now refurbished, worked like new.
Stone’s heart raced. “Oh, but I do.” he said silkily. “I need your blood to create the new colors for my latest masterpiece."
"I'll give you my blood. As much as you like.”
"I know, sweetheart.  I know." Stone smoothed the sweat soaked hair back from her face. "Sweet little Maggy. So lovely of you to offer."
