Tuesday, April 18, 2023

WEP - Life is Beautiful

 Today you'll find me at Operation Awesome's A to Z. It's all about Quaid.


"Welcome home," Major Wilson said as he helped Steven from the plane. "I'll bet Anchorage never looked so good."

"You have that right. Thank you for the ride, Major."

"My pleasure. If the Russians weren't breathing down our necks. I'd join your search. In fact, I know an entire company of men who would, but it was an honor to get you home, Detective Quaid."

"Appreciate that, Major, but thanks go to you for your service. You and your man have your hands full. I've got the entire Tlingit nation on board. We'll find my wife in no time."

"Yes, sir," Major Wilson said as Steven walked away.

Steven picked up his suitcase, unloaded by the ground crew, and crossed the tarmac to the hanger.

Just moments after landing at Elmendorf Airforce base in Anchorage via an SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest Air Force jet in the US, Brent greeted him on the tarmac and walked him to the hangar office. "I have another jet waiting to take you to Kodiak. From there, a helicopter will take us to the headquarters in Yakutat. But first, I thought you'd like to see your son."

Steven had already spotted the little guy. Tiama had his nose pressed against the glass door as he waved frantically from the jet's hanger.

"Thanks," Steven said as he hurried forward. Once inside, he dropped his bag and gathered his son in his arms. Steven pressed the little boy close. Kissing, hugging, and treasuring the little boy as Tiama giggled and said. Daddy, daddy, daddy, over and over again. Steven hadn't allowed emotion to control his actions. But, momentarily, the reality of the task before him became overwhelming. To avoid any added emotional torture, Steven took Tiama outside.

"I came home to you on that plane called Blackbird. You and Mommy mean everything to me. So I give you my promise, you'll see her soon," he told his son.

"Mummie," Tiama said.

"Yes, son. Mommy," Steven answered, tears filling his eyes as the pain in his chest became almost suffocating. Then looking to the aurora borealis, he held his son close, further suppressing all sentimentality with a prayer to the Great Spirit.

Helen, Brent, and Emma watched the reunion in tears. Emma fought a waterfall of them, waiting for her turn.

Steven returned to the hangar office and immediately went to her side. He put Tiama in one arm and pulled her close with the other. "I've got this, Emma. Sarah's coming home. I promise. I know those mountains. I'll find her."

Emma's tears couldn't be stopped. "I know you will. Brent and Helen have been busy getting things ready for your arrival."

Steven acknowledged Helen with a thank you as he pulled Emma close. Then, with her head on his chest, he said another silent prayer. Tiama wrapped his arms around his neck, and Steven absorbed strength from their love.

But time was passing, and Steven had to say goodbye and begin the search for his wife. "Don't worry, Emma, I'll bring them both home. And you know Sarah, she's a survivor. She knows the wilderness, and we bought that plane with every safeguard. Even though it's on the ground, it's filled with survival gear, first aid, and everything she needs. I won't be surprised if I get there and she's baking cookies. And you know Chet, if he had to bring the plane down, he did it with the precision of a surgeon."

Emma laughed as she wiped her eyes. "You're right. I know you are. Now, kiss your son goodbye and go get her!"

Steven twirled Tiama in the air before giving him a final hug and kiss. "My big little man," he said proudly. Eighteen months old, Tiama was growing up fast. But now, they had another on the way. His family was growing, but the danger he tried to protect them from could not be stopped.


Yolanda Renée © 2023

651 words

TAGLINE: Life is beautiful, family is everything.

This is an excerpt from the 7th book of my Alaskan Series, Murder on Mount Fairweather coming out December 2023. 

Detective Steven Quaid was working a case in New York when the plane his wife was on went down. But his friend pulled some favors and got him a ride on the fastest jet. But the scene with his son seemed to fit the prompt (family). I hope you think so too.


To learn more about the SR 71 Blackbird, check it out here:



Wednesday, April 5, 2023



Proof of Existence

Book 2 of the Existence series

By J Lenni Dorner


There's a fine line between a nightmare and a horrifying memory. In Proof of Existence, chapter 5, Dragon Hunting, Gwendolyn (Wend) recalls a traumatic event. In the nightmare, she calls out to Xavier. The reader doesn't know how much of this scene happened. What is known is that she actually screams.

Moments later, Xavier appears by her side. They fought before she went to bed, and that argument picks up as soon as she awakens. He once warned her of dangers, a warning she did not heed. She makes an angry joke about danger now, and he responds with sarcasm.

Dragons might not be actually hunted in the Existence series. Both of these characters have played a chat-based fantasy online roleplaying game (MMORPG). Hopefully, you'll enjoy this glimpse into the story. 

Proof of Existence

World-ending secrets and threats…

Proof of Existence picks up from Fractions of Existence's cliffhanger, where Gwendolyn is among the hostages of the Eyes in the Shadows, a religious sect that has been trying to free humans from the “prison” of life on Earth for millennia. Rescuing her requires the Existence to expose themselves. As omnipotent beings, their work to protect humanity has been mostly in secret for the last two centuries.

Gwendolyn must remember and embrace what she truly is, though fear and doubt stifle her. She risked everything by acting on her attraction to Xavier, but her religious beliefs stop her from taking the important next step. Life-threatening news has her wanting to go home to see her family. Will they still love and accept her, despite her actions and choices? Or could a secret rip her family apart?

Feeling lonely, tormented, and useless, Existence member Heath goes off the grid. A ransom video from Eyes in the Shadows demands he be traded for the lives of others. Can the Existence find him in time to tell him about the threat? Even if Heath can be reached, would his kind really trade him to potentially save someone else?

The Eyes in the Shadows is set to finally end all human life on Earth forever. Only if the Existence is reunited, with all members at full power, could they stand against them. How many will suffer if the Existence should fail? How much damage could possibly be done in the next twenty years? Proof of Existence, the second book of the Existence mythological urban fantasy series from J Lenni Dorner, is set during the first half of 2006.


J Lenni Dorner is best known for the Existence book series. Book one, Fractions of Existence, and book two, Proof of Existence, are on Amazon. Author of the short story, Lumber Of The Kuweakunks, on Smashwords. Also known for the writer's reference books, Preparing to Write Settings that Feel Like Characters and Writing Book Reviews As An Author: Inspiration To Make It Easier.

J is part of the Operation Awesome Team, where he runs the Debut Author Spotlight on most Wednesdays. J is an April Blogging from A to Z #AtoZchallenge international bloghop co-host.

(he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction & Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge




https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYN6SG7Y Buy it here.
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/65150644-proof-of-existence Add to your TBR here.

https://www.bookbub.com/books/proof-of-existence-by-j-lenni-dorner Glimpse it here.
Enter the Giveaway here!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

No April Fooling - The Entire Series for $5.99


Amazon.com only .99 cents each
For the Entire Month of APRIL!

Are you ready for a 
It's HERE!

Prepare now
Post April 19th thru the 21st


I took part in a Writing Challenge sponsored by Nicole Breit called 
The 555 Story Challenge.
All about CNF (Creative Non-Fiction)
The exercises were filled with tips and exercises.
Each one was thoughtful, useful, and fun.
After the lesson, she tasked us to write 100-word paragraphs 
based on the lesson.
It was fun and definitely challenging.
Here are my entries:


"The Monster Mash" played on the radio the night I wore my best blue dress with lace and black patent leather Mary Janes. Gary, the boy next door, told me I was special, a princess. We danced. I was four and balanced perfectly on his black leather loafers. The lights were dim, and the house was empty. We were alone, but I wasn't afraid.

He made me laugh.

But mom yelled at me for peeing my pants. A good girl would never let a boy tickle them.

The truth surfaced in nightmares, and every time I hear "The Monster Mash."


Thrown Away

Every item I owned, books, typewriter, and clothes, sat on the back porch. "I'm done. You're gone." Tears fell nonstop as she deliberately shredded my heart. "Forgive me. Please. I'll do anything." Mortally scarred, I leaned against the refrigerator for support and clearly recall how cool the metal felt against my fire-hot skin.

Mom washed the breakfast dishes. Soapsuds rinsed off before she placed them on the drainboard. So calm and indifferent. Memories include the smell of dish soap, bubbles, and spiraling steam. But her words are forever etched on my soul. "It's just a shame you were ever born."



Anticipation grew with each mile vanquished on the flight to Fairbanks, Alaska. In an open jeep, we drove through miles and miles of emerald conifers and stately white birch. The Tanana Valley, a kaleidoscope of earthly browns and jades, was framed by snowcaps. Mount Denali, the sovereign.

A rusting gold dredge scarred the pristine landscape. But crisp, clean air, fresher than a stick of Wintergreen gum, clears my soul of discontent. Poe's aristocratic black ravens cawed a welcome, or was it a warning?

No matter. I'm energized, even though I have no idea what's ahead. Truly free, I've found utopia.



Don't look at the clock. The wait will lengthen. Don't admit your love. He'll disappear. Four hours later.

Breathe. Stay cool. It's just a little landslide. The train will arrive soon. He'll be glad you're here.

I pace. Distract myself with magazines, scenery, and even eavesdropping, yet time seems to stand still. Unsettled, I consider driving to him, but what if he's not on the train? Did he change his mind?

Miss Independent waits for no man, yet she's wasting time for—him.

After all, no strings—no emotional ties means no regrets. It was our vow.

We were wrong.



I'm flying through the windshield and shards of glass sparkle like stars as they move with me. Blood trails in gelatinous drops. There is no pain as my mangled body reposes face down in a ditch. Cars speed by. Has no one noticed?

I gasped.

"Are you all right?" my boyfriend asks. He's driving."

"Yes," I whisper.

The day passes.

The next morning, as I round the bumper, I'm stopped cold. An invisible wall of dread, an intense heart-stopping fear restrains me.

Is death stalking me?

My hands shake. Keys clatter on cement.

For ten days, I'm unable to drive.




Sunday, March 19, 2023

Full Moon Confessions - Kindle Vella

Recently Nancy Williams wrote an article about Kindle Vella for the WEP. That has all the ins and outs of making it a success.

Something I tried a year ago with no success, but since following her advice, I actually had someone read my stories.

Nancy is making money and has the skinny. So be sure to check out How To Make Money With Your Writing - Kindle Vella


Here is what I've learned:

This was the cover I wanted, but Kindle Vella cut out a round and created the cover below. I had little to no control except for the picture above. Notice they don't even allow the apostrophe above the e in Renée. But things are always changing. 

So I did a little more work and managed to add the title to the round part of the picture. Why? Because the only thing they post on the page announcing your story is the round part of the cover. Some add the title. Some don't.

I have joined several Kindle Groups on FB, thanks to Nancy's advice. But right now, trying to write and take care of everything else, I've not had time to concentrate on participating. I figure one step at a time. I know, my downfall.

Full Moon Confessions: TheOdd Cases of Detective Cypress

Find Full Moon Confessions here: 


Donovan Horatio Cypress is a dedicated man. Handsome, skilled, and perceptive, and he invariably always gets his man. But his cases are notoriously odd. His love life is even more so. Falling for his suspects leaves him questioning his choices.

Are you ready to meet Jack the Ripper? The murderous monster in the basement? Would you step into a fog for a romantic first meeting? Or do you prefer the ordinary everyday folk with murderous intent? It's all here, with a romance on the side. Enjoy!

Episode 1:

          Double Chocolate Homicide – The Peacocks plan a Halloween dinner party. Then one of them ends up dead. But no fear, the party must go on…

Episode 2:

          Psycho Bitch – Is murder contagious? A couple attended the Peacock's murderous dinner party, and not four hours later, one is dead. I won't lie. Psycho was my inspiration. But folks, this one has a new twist.

Episode 3:

          The Ripper confesses – The fog means another death, but this time the cops make their arrest. Too late for the victim, but is the detective's attention on the details or Jenny's figure? Jenny is an officer with great legs and a quick mind.

Episode 4:

          Perfect Opportunities – A hurricane is the ideal opportunity for murder, or is it? Where's Jenny, and why is Cypress in a new state, flirting with a murderous?

Episode 5:

          Karma's A Bitch: Uh, oh. Is the detective caught in the spider's trap?


Please note the first 3 episodes you can read for FREE!

After that, you'll need more tokens. I was awarded 2000 tokens just for signing up. 

And don't forget the thumbs-up. It's what gets the author paid. Give it a try, but first read: How To Make Money With Your Writing - Kindle Vella. Nancy gives lots of info, and I hope I've added a bit more here.

To find Nancy's stories go here: King Julian of Gil-Lael

Good luck!

Thanks for reading. 

I hope you'll give my story a chance. If you do, I would love your critique.



Monday, February 27, 2023

Needed Inspiration

 "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West

"Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."– Thomas A. Edison

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."– Albert Einstein

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."– 

Babe Ruth

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



Photo by Kaleb Dortono on Unsplash


 The winds howled and tore all the warmth from the cave, as though their only purpose was to press the deep, frigid Arctic air into even the smallest crevice. I huddled under three blankets in a sleeping bag built for extreme temperatures. Yet I still felt the chill. But the sound, the whistling and whooshing, the cracking of countless branches, and the crashing of the large icicles, ice on ice, from the frozen waterfall, haunted my waking dreams.

Even though I'd sought shelter in a cave surrounded by solid rock. I was convinced the winds were hunting me. The beast from Alaskan legends, Kushtaka, had found a way into my shelter. The shapeshifter had turned to deadly frigid air and was seeking his prey.

Was it Kushtaka's purpose to destroy the last shred of warmth in existence on this mountain of pure ice? Was I the interloper? A passenger on a downed plane in the Alaskan Triangle. Was I the unwanted trespasser on alien land? I tried to push such silly thoughts from my mind, but the way darkness had fallen and the storm had arisen was unnatural.

Was the disappearance of my fishing pole under the ice a playful otter? Or the sudden howling whistle and the change in temperature, the supernatural work of a mythological beast, or an imagination run wild with fear and grief?

Surreptitious squalls twisted and coiled around my rock abode to extinguish the fire. My only genuine warmth. I'd built it with the last of the wood Chet had cut for me before returning to the crash site. Two days past his time of return didn't offer me hope. Instead, I felt a profound sadness and the hollowness of loss. I knew with certainty that I would never see Chet again.

The wind gusts became more violent as though they recognized their victory. Kushtaka had found me. A woman alone, vulnerable, and afraid. The perfect plaything for the mythological creature intent on torture.

Weakened by loss, fear, and hunger. I was the ideal victim. Had I already given up?

The bright orange flame of the fire shrank with each gust. Is it possible for a fire to surrender? I swear I saw it bow to a stronger foe without a crackle or hiss of attempted bravado. The flames died or burrowed under the cold ashes until their bright colors faded to black, gray, then solid white. Testament to the hue of the Snow God.

Is that how Kushtaka saw his role? As an Ice God defending his territory from any hint of warmth?

I watched the flames die, knowing with certainty that Chet had also left this existence. My tears froze the instant they fell. Ice crystals stuck to my exposed skin like newborn babies seeking sustenance. I tried to brush them away, but more formed until I had no more tears to give. I held them in my hands until they were again part of me. Absorbed into flesh.


Ice against ice.

Salvation abandoned me. A piercing chill deeper than any I'd ever felt encircled me. Moving from the outside in until I was completely absorbed. Shrouded in ice.

At first, it was stinging, almost burning, then so bone-chilling I wondered if my insides would shatter like the ice cycles. Profound shivers took control. I was sure I put out enough energy to run a small generator. But even that lasted only a short time.

Eventually, my body relaxed into the Ice God's embrace. Into a faux warmth, but just the sustenance I was seeking.

All along, it had been right here.

Deep inside, the glacial frostiness of this massive beast that held me so delicately in his arms. He wasn't fierce or unkind. He offered himself, and I sensed his concern. Felt the purest of love and surrendered wholly.

I closed my eyes.

The beast held me intimately. Naked. Free. No more restraints or fear. No more feelings of abandonment or loss. Everything was gone, just like the howling wind.

I embraced the Ice God. And let go of my last ember of warmth. My final exhalation danced, twisted, and swirled in a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors before crystalizing into ice crystals in a flash of brilliance.

Just as the Ice God enveloped me in the warmth of pure love...


721 Words

Yolanda Renée Stout © 2023


 TAGLINE: Surrender does not mean giving up.

This is an excerpt from the 7th book of my Alaskan Series. Murder on Mount Fairweather. Where survivors of a plane crash are fighting to survive the elements, hungry wolves, and the mythology of the Alaskan triangle.

Kushtaka or Kooshdakhaa. Are from a Tlingit myth that claims the Kushtaka is a shapeshifting otter-like creature that lures people into the wilderness, sometimes tricking them to their deaths.




Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Is it too early?

The Daffodil

so beautiful

the first of spring

it means everything

to all arising

the ruin of winter

a bright new dawn

the seeds of tomorrow

awaiting root

passion ignited

love blooms

seeds rooted

the cold booted

beauty and growth

in God's green Earth



and all that's between

like the Daffodil

it all began

in the spring.


YRS © 2023


Friday, January 13, 2023


Renée Stout © 2023

                                                      A Confession

See that sky. Isn't it beautiful? Majestic? The dawn of a New Day. An epiphany upon waking.

Even before I saw it this morning, I knew. Today would be different. Today would genuinely be the first day of my life.

I know trite. But it's true. Today I feel as those I were reborn. Today I know who I am. I know what I want. And by damn, I'm going to have it!

Last year I found myself in a blue funk. One of those where you wander around, being and yet not fully existing. I was a ghost. Searching, and yet not knowing what it was I was searching for. Dreaming dreams that were nightmares. And while I was in this so-called blue funk. I did not know that I was. But something was off. I was off.

I didn't know whether to blame it on the pandemic, the stupidity of the political climate, or the frighteningly dangerous failed-class clowns we elected to run this magnificent country. Or the war where Nuclear disaster was tossed around like babies playing a nerf ball game. Or was it that I gave myself 10 years to succeed at writing?

Your guess was as good as mine.

For periods, I would rally. Working on my posts for the WEP October Challenge was the highlight. I love Halloween and enjoyed writing and posting two months of poetry and short stories. That was when I felt like myself.

But at the beginning of the year, I had set specific goals to finish, and by finish, I mean publish at least 3 of the 4 projects I was working on.

It wasn't happening.

I was stalled!

Almost full stop. Except for the WEP challenges. They were the only real writing I could accomplish. WEP was a lifesaver in a sea of doubt and uncertainty. I didn't even participate in NANO. Something that always brought me success.

Where the hell was I, and when would I find my way home? Again, I had no idea. I even looked outside of my writing for fulfillment. Taxes, can you believe it? What can I say? As a former accountant, taxes were always fun. I know, odd, but what do you expect from a horror writer? 😊

Still, while studying and preparing for the new tax season, I thought I'd found my calling.

I didn't!

Today, Friday, January 13th, 2023, I know for sure, and most likely for the first time in 12 years, that I am a WRITER!

It's my craft.

My happiness!

My life's mission!

Hell, writing is my everything!

Hello world, I'm back!


2023 GOALS

1.   Re-claim my real name—Renée Stout. Yes, folks, I'm dropping Yolanda. It's my first name. Given to me by my mother. She loved the combination—Yolanda Renée. So did my aunt. They were both pregnant at the same time. I was born first, so I got the name. Which was good because my cousin Steve would have hated growing up as Yolanda Renée. 😊

But I was always called Renée. Mom made sure to tell all my teachers to use my middle name. It's really who I am. Yolanda means violet. Violet? That's not me.

Renée is of French origin, and the meaning of Renée is"reborn." Apropos, don't you think?

So I'm only going to be using Yolanda Renée on the last book of the Quaid series and Renée Stout on all other books.

2.   Re-Edit & Re-Publish:       Love & Revenge: Tales of Murder & Romance.

3.   Publish Murder by Proxy – NOW Murder on Mount Fairweather. The last of the Alaskan Series. An ode to the love story between Detective Quaid and Sarah.

4.   Publish my second book of poetry. My memoir.

5.   Publish the 1st book of Myrtle Beach Mysteries: Her Mona Lisa Smile

6.   Finish A Stylish Murder, book 2nd of the Myrtle Beach Mysteries

7.   Finish Moonlight Goddess, the 3rd of the Myrtle Beach Mysteries.

8.   Support and cherish the WEP writing community. They, above all else, kept me sane in an insane year!

Renée Stout - writer...author...publisher!


I know it seems like a lot, but oh, how much time I wasted studying taxes? 😉

Friday, January 6, 2023

Announcing the WEPs 2023 Challenge Calendar

As it was the Movie Poster we found

most inspiring we'll be starting off

in February with


Remember, it's all about what inspires you:

GWTW can be the springboard for a million ideas- civil war, love, the definition of beauty (‘Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful but men seldom realized it..’), racism, slavery, strong women, gun violence, plantations, breaking conventions, the bond between fathers and daughters, mothers and daughters, the love for a piece of land, a lament for a vanishing society…alternatively, even an essay on the stars or the film director or the author Margaret Mitchell or some aspect of the making of the film...endless opportunities for creativity.