Showing posts with label spells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spells. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2015


This is a Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction Challenge. Hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields  and all based off a photo. This weeks prompt is provided by and copyright to G. L. MacMillan.

Rochelle requires participants, in 100 words or less write about the picture provided. You can read this week’s stories by clicking on the Blue Links and the blue frog on Rochelle's page.

© G. L. MacMillan

Moonlight Ballet

The light that filtered through the hundreds of colorful bottles in my uncle's house created unusual ballets on the dull surfaces. Sometimes I could swear I heard whispers.

The purple bottle intrigued me the most. One moonlit night I spied a dancing beam. Against orders, I touched the bottle. An electrical charge shot through me and light filled the room.

Instantaneously my missing parents stood before me.

My uncle thundered into the room, his demonic form revealed.

Safely cocooned in my parent's luminosity, I saw a ray of fire emanating from the remaining bottles hold him spellbound until he disintegrated.

100 words
Yolanda Renee © 2015


The WEP-Write…Edit…Publish August Challenge – Spectacular Settings is coming up on the 19th
Today Denise Covey is talking all about the skill of writing amazing settings. Check out the