Showing posts with label WIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIN. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2016


My Book Blog Tour for Murder & Obsession
is in full swing
I'm guesting with Michael Di Gesu
Need Some Intrigue?

But it all started with Denise Covey

Alaska: Why It Speaks To Me!

While here today

Please welcome Sylvia Ney

another author highlight from the

IWSG Anthology

Parallels: Felix Was Here

Sylvia agreed to an interview!

Why did you choose this story for the anthology? 

I actually wrote the first draft for this story several years ago. It had a slightly different plot with gaps. The bones were there, but I wasn’t happy with the details. Then, I saw the call for submissions to this anthology and I wondered if I could make it work. I pulled it out of the drawer, fell in love with the story all over again, and the holes filled in themselves.

I see you write a lot of nonfiction and romance. Is WIN a romance as well? 

No. While I may choose to continue David’s story one day, and explore his future relationships, this tale focuses on the society driven by technology in a parallel universe.

Several of your stories, including WIN, have centered on the lives of teachers. Is this on purpose? 

It’s not really on purpose. I’ve been a teacher most of my life. So, I suppose it’s natural for me to approach things as a teacher, and therefore my characters become teachers of a sort as well.

Coming May 3, 2016

Preorder HERE


     The connection is everything.


 Seventeen year-old David Masters has grown up in almost complete isolation, despised by those around him. He is smart, determined, and compassionate. Now, an act of terrorism threatens the lives of millions. Can David help the society who shunned his very existence? Or is all hope for humanity lost? Find out in “WIN”. 

Sylvia Ney is a freelance writer, editor, and speaker. She regularly contributes to newspapers, magazines, and other anthologies. Some of her recurring publications include Houston Family magazine. Southern Writer's magazine, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul seriesSylvia is a member of the Texas Gulf Coast Writers and the Bayou Writers Group in Louisiana.

 To learn more, visit

Thanks, Sylvia and congratulations!

Do you have a manuscript in a drawer that might fit the next anthology?