Showing posts with label WEP August Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WEP August Challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

WEP - Chocolat



         Sarah sighed heavily and drew an X across the small box showing March 31st in her calendar. Twenty-four days since the plane crash. Twenty-four days of cold and bitter winds. Even with clean water and the fish caught in the lake, her appetite was lacking, and Chet's insistence that he had to return to the plane left her fearful and sleepless. Add erratic hormones, fear, dwindling supplies, and a woman searching for but failing to find hope, and you have an emotional catastrophe waiting to happen.

Recognizing the signs of a self-indulgent pity party, she closed the calendar. She said a prayer of thanksgiving for the miracle of survival and closed with her favorite chant. "Oh God, My God, thy Name is my healing." Trying to be grateful but anxious and scared, she did her best to meditate but couldn't find the peace she desired.

The sketchbook beside her caught her attention, and she gazed at the drawing she'd completed upon waking. The picture was of a hungry wolf pack. Angry, howling, salivating mouths dripping with the blood of their latest kill. Sarah shut the book and shivered. The nightmare had awakened her, and she'd drawn it, but now it was an hour till dawn, and Chet would rise soon. He slept peacefully a few feet away from her. Her dreams had been about him and his alarming plans. She cuddled in her sleeping bag and waited for him to awaken.

An hour later, he did.

Sarah pretended to be asleep as Chet rolled up his sleeping bag and moved about the cave getting things ready for his trip. Realizing she was being foolish, she greeted him. "Want breakfast?"

"Good morning Sarah, no. I'll wait for lunchtime," he said as he dressed for his trip. "Rescue will be any day now, you'll see," he said, doubling his socks and putting his boots on. "I just want to clear the snow off the main cabin so they can see the plane from the sky. Then I'll light a signal fire using the plane's tires. Black smoke is sure to get someone's attention. I'll use the metal and other debris to create an arrow to show them we're well and waiting. I promise the rescuers will be here before you even have time to miss me," he said without a break.

She watched him closely. Was he trying to convince her or himself?

Sarah tried to smile but was unsuccessful. "Just please, please be careful. I'm worried."

"I know, and I will. I promise. I have to do this. The weather is clearing, and they're looking for the plane. We've been socked in down here but heard them above us, so the top of the mountain must be clear. I have to go to make finding us an easier task." Chet assured her.

"I understand," Sarah said as she stood. "I just wish I were going with you." She wrapped her woolen scarf around his neck.

"Thanks." Chet buried his nose in it and breathed deeply. "It has your perfume on it. It'll be my inspiration," Chet said with a smile. "And I have a special surprise for you." He pulled a package from his pack. "I've been saving it for just this occasion." He handed a small parcel to her.

"Really," she said as she tore the brown paper bag wrapping. Inside was a dark chocolate Hershey bar. Sarah smiled in delight. "Chocolate! My word, how wonderful. Thank you," she said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"I held it back just for that reaction," Chet said. His smile was just as bright as Sarah's. "Fish is getting monotonous, but this should add a bit of delight to your day."

"Oh, it will. Thank you. I'll save some for your return meal. We'll celebrate together."

Chet laughed. "Enjoy all of it. Besides, I'll have the rescuers with me. There won't be time for a meal. Enjoy it while you wait. Once off this blasted mountain, we'll celebrate with champagne and chocolate eclairs. How's that sound?"

"Wonderful," she said and hugged him again. Except she felt like crying instead of laughing. But for him, she held her tears in check. Despite all his assurances, she was beyond worried.

Unsure she was being ridiculous or an overly emotional pregnant lady, she kept her fear to herself. He'd heard the wolf's cry, just as she had, but since he had the shotgun, his mind was made up. Rescue depended on letting the rescuers know where they were, he said repeatedly, and she knew he was right. But fear is the thief of hope, and she had a bad case. Still, she shook it off. She didn't want him to leave with worry for her on his mind.

Chet grabbed his backpack and snowshoes. He surveyed the cavern. "I hate to take the tent," he said, hesitating as if rethinking his decision. The tent had been her private room. A space for her to be alone and feel safe.

"Don't. I'm fine in here without it. You'll need it more than I will. Did you take enough dried fish?" She asked, even though she'd packed it the night before.

Chet smiled. "I did. You just be careful outside, okay?"

Sarah nodded. "You too."

All words spoken. Chet turned to the cave entrance.

Sarah grabbed her crutch, which Chet had carved for her on their first night in the cave. She followed him to the mouth of the cavern and watched as he walked to the rope hanging from the rocks above. He hesitated, turned for one last look at the frozen waterfall, then he waved, and she returned the gesture. Chet deftly climbed the cliff to the path that led to the plane. In a flash, he was gone, and she was alone.

Shivering uncontrollably, she looked at the bar of dark chocolate in her hand and sobbed like a child.

~ ***~

988 words

Yolanda Renée © 2023

Tagline: Solace is found in the simplest gesture.

This is another excerpt from the 7th book of my Alaskan Series, Murder on Mount Fairweather, coming out December 2023. 

I must credit the WEP prompts for inspiring my writing this year. I've failed most of my writing goals for 2023, but because of the WEP, I keep plugging away.




Saturday, July 8, 2023



for the next 

WEP Challenge?

Wondering how to go about



& submitting?

Then Go HERE!

For all the details! 





 a symbol of love

sent from above

the darker the better

a true love letter

love's calling card

a symphonic bard

sweet desire

the world

set a fire

the number one gift

on any holiday list

satisfaction so pure

love for sure

an addiction so sweet

it raises the heat

even war

couldn't defeat

man's desire

for this little treat.


YRS © 2023




Wednesday, August 17, 2022

WEP - Moonlight Sonata


Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Goddess of the Night

I'm a practical, well-educated man and an athlete that enjoys a challenge, adventure, and travel. It's why I joined the Navy after 9 11.

But after twenty years in the service and giving my best in the fight for freedom. The exodus from Afghanistan exposed a weakness. I began questioning my choices. Retirement from command was my solution. However, the change wasn't easy. I sought direction at the Meher Spiritual Center of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I wanted peace and healing from what I saw as a spiritual crisis.

Now I'm wondering if I've completely lost my mind.

After a week of meditation and silence, I began to see a new path to my future. On Friday, August 11, the evening of the sturgeon moon, I took a healing walk along the ocean. This night as it was explained, was the season of Leo. Astrologers claim the August moon stands for perseverance and the ability to adapt with time and change just like the sturgeon. Tonight, was all about going inward. Clearing the ballast and making room for opportunity. Which I was open to.

The evening was hot, but the breeze off the ocean made it comfortable. I had a flashlight to help me find the way, but once the moon was high, the light was brilliant and my walk invigorating. Then I heard music, faint at first, but the further south I moved, the more recognizable the tune became.

Then, it dawned. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was being played. Even though I was no longer on the property of the Spiritual Center. I kept walking south. The area was privately owned, but I just had to know who was playing this hauntingly beautiful piece.

I came around a high dune and stopped in my tracks.

Standing in the direct rays of the Sturgeon Moon stood an angel. Or was she a mermaid turned human? It didn't matter. Her beauty captivated. She wore a gown of brilliant white trimmed in gold. Her arms were raised to the heavens as though in worship. I thought she was praying.

Her long luxurious hair was the same color as the moon, red with glimmering gold highlights. The breeze lifted the tresses, caressed them, then laid them carefully across lightly tanned shoulders. She was perfection.

Her feet were bare, and the surf kissed her toes lightly, reverently. Watching her, I was frozen in place.

The Moonlight Sonata flowed in an evocative lament.

When she turned toward me, I saw tears on her cheeks, shimmery diamonds she quickly brushed away. What could bring this beautiful goddess to tears?

She smiled, and her deep blue eyes held me fast. Suddenly I was drowning. I felt the cool, clear water pulling my willing body deeper into its depths. Fighting for breath. Her smile calmed me.

Though my heart raced. I relaxed as she moved toward me. Was she walking or gliding across the sand? Did it matter? No, not at that moment, for I knew instantly that she was a gift from God. The answer to my prayers. My future.

Communication went beyond words. Clasped in an embrace, our bodies were one. I could feel her heart beating as furiously as my own. When our lips met in a kiss, the word ecstasy would never describe our response or the carnal nature of our union. The world, the entire universe disappeared, and we were alone. Soaring through a cosmos of indescribable color and beauty, the Moonlight Sonata played its soulful refrain, and we rediscovered our love.

In that kiss, I uncovered the past, saw our future, and recalled our eonian vow of love eternal. She was mine, and I, forever hers. If she'd come to me as a succubus, vampire, or the living dead, I would have willingly given her all and more.

Then the music ended. I opened my eyes, and she was gone. I stood there, unbelieving. Confused. Even the moon had disappeared behind clouds that hadn't existed before that moment.

But she was here, and in the flesh, my moonlit goddess. I could still feel the warmth of her lips, the softness of her skin, the silkiness of her honey-colored hair, and the want in her kiss.

Her absence left me hollow as though she'd taken my soul. But it was my heart that she stole.

I searched until dawn but failed in my quest. Was my goddess a dream? A siren of the Moonlight Sonata or my heart's yearning made flesh under the thrall of a full moon?

Yolanda Renee © 2022

754 words/ FCA

Photo by Rafael Alcure on Unsplash

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

This is the beginning of a love story I hope to turn into a novel.

I would love to know your thoughts.

Tagline: Moonlight thrall or real-life goddess?


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

WEP- Shadows


Was it love, my dear...
your words of criticism?

If so,
why do they still torment?

Like a faithful companion,
your declarations
envelope me.

Hateful and mean.

Destructive and debilitating.

Unshakable - everlasting.

No matter how I try
to shake their hold
they follow and pounce.

In sadness and gloom
I commiserate.

You’ve cast your words of love
in an ever-oppressing haze
where secretly I wallow.

For the world must never know
the true depth of your hate.

Or that you killed my essence
and left
just a shadow.

Yolanda Renée (C) 2020

Wednesday, August 2, 2017



What are your pet peeves when reading/writing/editing?

My biggest pet peeve regarding READING is when the story ends in a cliffhanger. In other words, buy the next book, and I’ll let you in on the real ending. HATE, HATE, HATE that!

Setting up the next story in the series is great, but I think a writer needs to tell a complete story in each book!

I’ve no real pet peeves regarding WRITING other than the fact that it takes me much longer than I’d like, but I’ve never been disappointed in the result.

I find the EDITING process the most fun. I’ve found that the true story reveals itself after I’ve handed off what I originally considered a finished story to a talented editor.  Once they’ve made their suggestions the real work begins, and the book really begins to shine.

Thanks for stopping by. I can’t wait to read your pet peeves!


Be sure to say hello and thanks!
There’s a new WEP Challenge this month.

An interesting prompt – think class reunion, family reunion, long lost friends reunited – where does this prompt take you?

Sign up and share your story here!