Monday, May 1, 2023



"Ghosting, or suddenly disappearing from someone's life without so much as a call, email, or text, has become a common phenomenon in the modern dating world and other social and professional settings."

Ghosting: What Is It and How to Move Past Being Ghosted? - Healthline

Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash

Have you ever been ghosted?

          I have. Several times. One too many times. It's infuriating, frustrating, and unexplainable.

          I recently put together a developmental edit for two writers. One well-known and popular author asked me to edit a new release. I was thrilled to do so, but after, I heard nothing. I still don't know why.

         It's happened before. I exchanged books with an author, each promising to do a review. But I never heard from the author again. I never got the review either, despite my emails—no response.

So yes, today I am ranting. But I don't understand why a person can't simply say, I disagree. I didn't like it, or it's not what I wanted. Something, anything, but to just go silent. It's wrong.

Pure and simple, ghosting is rude.

Unless it's a Nigerian prince pretending to be a doctor, a highly decorated military officer, or a CEO on a foreign job placement. You know the handsome guy on Facebook who calls you beautiful in his first or second sentence, then goes on to misspell half of the words in his next paragraph. In that case, you have every right to ghost and BLOCK!

LOL, rant over.

Thanks for reading.


Elephant's Child said...

Sometimes my antisocial self would like to be ghosted. You are right though, professional ghosting is just plain rude.

Jemi Fraser said...

How rude and frustrating!!!

Anonymous said...

thecontemplativecat here. Haven't been ghosted. I lead a pretty sedate life, writing flash fiction, etc. I don't think I am interesting enough.

cleemckenzie said...

I have yet to be ghosted, but I'm sure I'm in for that experience at some point in time. It has become a popular strategy for disconnecting.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I get so scatter brained, one of my biggest worries is forgetting to do things I promised people, be it reviews or what not. It's become so bad, I've started saying no to things because my ducks aren't at all in a row. They're scattered all over the damned place...hiding in sheds...running wild in fields.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Ghosting is awful rude. I find people are rougher nowadays than earlier, folks don't much care about manners anymore. Though how anyone can be rude professionally is just baffling. Haven't been ghosted but have been given the brush off. Not nice. I'm sorry you had to endure what you did. Hugs.

Debbie D. said...

I'm sorry you went through that, Reneé! The world has become a meaner and ruder place; I fear.