Friday, January 22, 2016


Are you sending out query letters? Have you sent to agents and publishers only to receive the dreaded rejection letter? I did the same for years, and then I entered a contest. Sharon Bayliss hosted that contest and I won – my full manuscript was requested by Curiosity Quills Press.

I'm proud to say Katie Hamstead Teller has asked me to be part of a similar opportunity for other writers. This time I'll be helping the entrants move to the final stage by hosting, critiquing, and voting.

Here is all the information you need to prepare for SON OF A PITCH!

Here are the basics:
Title: (Name of Manuscript)
Age and Genre: (YA/NA/Adult then Genre)
Word Count: (to the nearest thousand)
Insert query here. No bio please.
First 250 Words:
i don't care if this is from a prologue or chapter one. That's up to you.

Week 1 starts Feb 15, 2016:
A chance to refine your query and first 250 words. Post this on your blog then post a link in the comments of a post I will put up on my blog the week of Feb 15. Please leave feedback on a minimum of three other queries and first 250.

Week 2 starts Feb 22, 2016:
This week, published authors will give you feedback. The Son of a Pitch team, who are all published, will post your emailed in queries and 250 words on their blogs. Please use the formatting above and email to:

Incorrectly formatted emails will be kicked off the island. The team will vote for their favorites to go onto the final round. They will cast five votes each, anywhere they want, and the top 20 will go onto the next round. Feel free to coax judges your direction however you want! But please, only you and the judges can comment on your entry, or the comments can get confusing for tallying votes at the end. Votes will close on Thursday 11:59 p.m. MST. To stalk the hosts/voting authors, click Here.

The first fifty entries will go into this round. So get your clickers ready to email at precisely 10 a.m. MST on Friday Feb 19th.

But don't be discouraged! You will get good feedback to help you even if you don't make the top twenty. So please go and query elsewhere afterward, and let us know your success story so it can be shared on the blog.

Week 3 starts Feb 29, 2016:
We have a fantastic line up of editors, publishers, and agents. They'll swing by the final contestants to try to bribe you into subbing to them. The final Twenty will post on Katie's blog, where agents/editors will come and make requests for you. If you make the top twenty, you will be emailed on Friday 26th, and all updated entries sent to the email address by Saturday 27th 11:59 p.m.

MST. If you don't make the deadline, the next highest voted entry will be emailed, and will have 24 hrs to get the entry into the inbox.

Feel free to email any requests made whenever you feel like it, but note that the agents/editors are allowed to give feedback on your entry. Also, make sure to include that your query to them is from the comp by putting Son of a Pitch Request in the title.

Twitter Pitch: Mar 7, 2016:

And finally, we'll have a free-for-all twitter pitching opp under the hashtag #sonofapitch

Rules: Makes sure to include #sonofapitch and your genre/age category with the tweet. You can tweet any number of manuscripts, but only once every hour each.

It will open all day, but since I'm in Arizona, I won't be monitoring the earlier stages since that's like 5 in the morning here.

Here's the list of Publishers participating in SON OF A PITCH:
Follow the links to learn more about each.

Here is a list of Agents participating in SON OF A PITCH:

For the second round, published authors will be swinging around to critique queries and first 250 words posted on three blogs, as well as casting votes on who will make the final round.
Follow this link to read about those authors!

This is a great opportunity. I hope you'll take it, and if you're not ready please pass the information on to other writers.

Tweet One of These

@KatieTeller1 Son of a Pitch is the opportunity to get your manuscript noticed by agents and publishers.

@KatieTeller1 Have your query read and critiqued by other writers and win a chance at publication.

@KatieTeller1 Feedback on your query and a chance for publication, get the details here.



Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner is a weekly writing challenge designed for both the flash fiction newbie and the more experienced writer. It is the desire of this challenge to allow writers the opportunity to clear the cobwebs from a more tedious and involved project. Becoming a part of a new and growing writer’s community might be just what the doctor ordered to rejuvenate your writing juices

The opening sentence for the January 15th Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner:  ” We were within a mile-and-a-half of the service roads when we found it.”

This challenge is open until 11:00 pm Thursday night, January 21st .

This weekly challenge can now be found on TWITTER and FACEBOOK. Check us out there.


 "We were within a mile-and-a-half of the service roads when we found it."

The birds circling overhead caught our attention. We'd hoped to find the hikers before sunset. We never imagined anything like this.

Eviscerated bodies. The birds and larger animals had already consumed their eyes and carried off most of their organs.

Two young men who went out for a day's hike had met a monster.

We called the police and CSI. Lights lit the scene and a tarp protected the bodies while five men gathered evidence.

At midnight, howls of an animal stopped us cold. The beast attacked. Somehow, I survived.

"Well doctor, is he sane enough to stand trial?"


Yolanda Renée © 2016

I apologize for not being active these last few weeks. Life has a way of ruining changing plans.
It was a real pain in the ass chance to practice my flexibility.
At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
Thank you for visiting, reading, and commenting. I will do my best to reciprocate.


Have you checked out the new flash fiction challenges for 2016 

WEP- Write...Edit...Publish?

1000 words or less

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields @ Addicted to Purple. She has supplied us with a new photo prompt via Melanie Greenwood. To participate simply write a complete story in 100 words or less. 
As Rochelle says, make every word count!

PHOTO PROMPT © Melanie Greenwood


Walking toward the plane meant freedom was just moments away. My shoulders felt lighter. Mr. Trump held no power over me. I'd won.

An agreement I'd made to fund my college education had turned into a nightmare. The man behind it decided he wanted me for his own. He even offered marriage. The gall of the man, apparently no one turns down his cash, the disgusting old coot!

Nevertheless, I'd refused, fulfilled my obligation, and in moments, I'd be taking flight to Australia. A new opportunity.

An explosion of undetermined origin destroyed flight 11-08-16. Passengers and crew perished.

 100 words of fiction
Yolanda Renee © 2016

Participate by clicking the Blue Frog


Looking for a few writing challenges? 
Here's two to consider.

Find out more HERE!


Find out more HERE!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Hello all, I hope your holidays were fabulous and that the New Year brings you the fulfillment of all your dreams and desires. But today is the day for insecurities, and while they seem to come and go in regular cycles, it's now time for new beginnings.

C. Hope Clark said in her most recent newsletter that her New Year's Resolution is "to write more this year."

She then followed that up with, " . . . maybe it's time we quit thinking of crazy ways to sell 99 cent books and instead slow down and write great stuff!"

Now that is a worthy goal, to write great stuff – and I wanted to make that my ultimate goal too. But I do have another book coming out this year, which tempers that resolution because selling that book is also a goal.

The necessary evil – marketing – that dreadful task that depletes writing time. A book signing that requires swag, table fees, transportation, and time – with the result being maybe 8 to 10 books sold. Is all that time and expense worth it?

Daily online socializing – how much is too much?

How about you – is your plan to sell more or write great stuff? Is it possible to do both, or are the two diametrically opposed?

Be sure to visit Alex's Blog today, the winners of the IWSG Anthology Contest will be announced.

Congratulations to all!

Especially the title winner

L. G. Keltner!

I'm thrilled to be included in 
such an amazing group!


Don't forget to give a special thank you to all the IWSG co-hosts:

Looking for a few writing challenges? 
Here's two to consider.

Find out more HERE!


Find out more HERE!

Monday, January 4, 2016


I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday and are excited to start the New Year! To begin my blogging year I wrote a new piece of flash fiction. Enjoy!

I love her. She loved him. Now she's grieving and blames me. I've waited a lifetime for her, but she'll never forgive me.


I loaned her husband my plane.

He was a pilot; he shouldn't have taken off in that weather.

Agreed, but I've seen the accusation in her eyes.

How long have you known her?

Since time began.

A romantic, are we?

I'm so glad you're amused.

Sorry, I've never seen you so serious. So what's the story?

I met her ten years ago.

Ah, the girl who got away.

I knew her brother, but the first time I saw her was across a crowded room.


Quit laughing, it's true. Perfection in a maroon blouse. It draped across perfectly shaped breasts like liquid silk. Luscious. Hair the color of the sun through honey, thick and long, softly curled and down to her waist. Her eyes were the color of a spring forest that brightened when she smiled. Her smile warmed me, taunted me, tempted me, and thrilled me.

Our eyes met, and all evidence of a twelve-hour workday was gone, she was my life force, and I hadn't even met her yet. Her brother had told me a little about her, but he'd also warned me - hands off.

Did you keep your hands off?

Yes, I honored my promise to him. God, what a struggle. I was drawn to her. I attended every social function she did. I visited her brother more often. Jewel was my reason for getting up each day. I loved her, needed her, and wanted her like I've never wanted another. To be honest, my sex life was and is thrilling. Each woman I bed, I do so with her in mind. She's my aphrodisiac, my fantasy, my muse. It isn't enough. I want more. I want it all! I always have.

But she met Paul.

Does she know how you feel?

No, I've always just been a friend. Someone she could count on. The jokester with a heart of gold.

Are you giving up?

344 / words
Yolanda Renee © 2016


Speaking of love 
today I'm helping Arlee Bird and Guilie Castillo-Oriard introduce a bloghop just 
in time for Valentine's Day!
Lost & Found: Valentine's Edition

Love can be a many splendored thing, a reason for murder if unrequited or for some, a lifelong desire. Love can be all you want, always on your mind, or crazy – as some love songs claim, but in February, a new blog hop is happening.

Lost & Found: Valentine Edition

February 1, 2016

As Arlee askes, do you remember that special feeling of love found? And who hasn't experienced the emotional experience of love lost? Some of you might have even lost a love only to find that person later for another go around.

         Tell your story about love lost or found in our special Valentine's blogfest. Your post can be a short fiction, an essay, poetry, or even a song--let your imagination run free. Any genre is fair game, be it romance, historical fiction, memoir, or even science fiction. After all there are no limitations when it comes to love.

Lost & Found: Valentine Edition is brought to you by Arlee Bird and Guilie Castillo-Oriard, and strong armed into joining them are Elizabeth Seckman,  Yolanda Renée,  Denise Covey. and  Alex J Cavanaugh.

So, don't be left out on 

FEBRUARY 1, 2016

Sign up to participate by adding your 
link to the list below.

Also in February 
the WEP is back
Our first challenge is all about the 

More information to follow soon!