Showing posts with label Doppelganger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doppelganger. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner is a weekly writing challenge designed for both the flash fiction newbie and the more experienced writer. It is the desire of this challenge to allow writers the opportunity to clear the cobwebs from a more tedious and involved project. Becoming a part of a new and growing writer’s community might be just what the doctor ordered to rejuvenate your writing juices

The opening sentence for the January 15th Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner:  ” We were within a mile-and-a-half of the service roads when we found it.”

This challenge is open until 11:00 pm Thursday night, January 21st .

This weekly challenge can now be found on TWITTER and FACEBOOK. Check us out there.


 "We were within a mile-and-a-half of the service roads when we found it."

The birds circling overhead caught our attention. We'd hoped to find the hikers before sunset. We never imagined anything like this.

Eviscerated bodies. The birds and larger animals had already consumed their eyes and carried off most of their organs.

Two young men who went out for a day's hike had met a monster.

We called the police and CSI. Lights lit the scene and a tarp protected the bodies while five men gathered evidence.

At midnight, howls of an animal stopped us cold. The beast attacked. Somehow, I survived.

"Well doctor, is he sane enough to stand trial?"


Yolanda Renée © 2016

I apologize for not being active these last few weeks. Life has a way of ruining changing plans.
It was a real pain in the ass chance to practice my flexibility.
At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
Thank you for visiting, reading, and commenting. I will do my best to reciprocate.


Have you checked out the new flash fiction challenges for 2016 

WEP- Write...Edit...Publish?

1000 words or less