Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Runner Up


My interview with Anne Greenawalt of WOW regarding my story


Friday, February 9, 2024



Photo by Nico Frey on Unsplash


I know an angel

of earthly fame

many seek her confidence


life is tough

living can become rough

this angel understands


many lose hope

but her light's bright

her words pure


this angel

with a heart so true

offers love and advice


recognized truth

means sorrow



promise returns

her magic works

happy folks


all recognize

her blessing

God's messenger of love


the restorer

of damaged souls

this holy vessel of perfection


but she knows sorrow

and immense pain

more profound than most


suffering despite

her heavenly calling

her beauty shines from within


and still

she gives all

despite her grief


this spiritual being

a guardian angel

of hope.


Yolanda Renée Stout © 2024

In honor of Elephant's Child!


Friday, January 12, 2024

Pink City


She was a beauty

tall and blonde

with curves in all the right places

she claimed to have loved him

couldn’t live without him

but now was forced to

she hired me to find his killer

the trail had gone cold

the police had given up

could I do what they couldn’t

I gave it my best

just to stay in her presence

shock of shock

I became the top suspect

had she set me up

I couldn’t believe she would

those lips, that kiss

her tears, those eyes

I’m no fool

but the bars of my cage say differently.

YRS © 2024


Tuesday, December 19, 2023



Mural of War (1896), by Gari Melchers

My Christmas Poem

Peace was the promise

but we defy

we lie

spread the hate

cause unrest

after all, we’re right

you’re wrong

and have to go

we’re superior

so you should die

you’re different

not like us

we‘re god’s perfection

how dare you question

our word, our knowledge

for what’s right for you

we know best

so give it a rest

genocide is an option

if you refuse to comply

after all, we’re the chosen

you’re the lie!

oh, and Merry Christmas

in keeping with the season!

YRS © 2023

Can anyone explain to me the reason why?

Thursday, November 30, 2023

WEP - Over To You


Hope on the Silver Screen

The projector's hum resonated through the small, dimly lit room, its echo mingling with the flickering light that painted dancing shadows on the walls—a cinematic ballet mirroring the emotions unraveling within her.

It was another Friday night at the vintage movie theater, but tonight held a distinct air. She found herself alone, having spun another tale of work to escape the confines of home. Lies had become her refuge, a desperate means to avoid his anger and her own tears.

The end had come for them. It was a truth acknowledged by both, yet he clung to denial. His obsession had become a paralyzing force, and her attempts to break free in the past only led to her surrender and transformation into someone unrecognizable.

However, her true self couldn't remain imprisoned indefinitely. The question loomed: how could she escape without shattering him and herself? The credits rolled, and she sat in the afterglow of a film that had woven itself into the fabric of her soul. Characters lingered, and plotlines carved permanent residence in her thoughts.

It was an escape, if only momentary, but each happy ending kindled hope for her own. Her dream felt within reach. Why else would God permit such unhappiness if not for a reward at the end?

As the theater emptied, she lingered in her seat, suspended between the reel and reality. The story had seeped into her heart, leaving an indelible mark. It wasn't just a movie; it was an awakening. Could she sustain this belief?

Outside, city lights twinkled like distant stars. She took a breath, feeling the cool night air on her face. The protagonist's journey mirrored her struggles, and the resolution became a roadmap for her uncertainties.

The movie had whispered truths she hadn't dared to acknowledge, sparking a fire, a catalyst for change. Stepping into the night, she carried the film's essence like a talisman.

In the following days, she navigated life with a fresh perspective. The movie's lessons guided her decisions, its soundtrack the melody of her daily rhythm. She chased dreams with the same fervor the characters pursued their destinies.

Change would only occur if she willed it. She was determined to make it happen!

As time passed, the movie became a silent companion. In moments of doubt, she replayed scenes in her mind, drawing strength from fictional triumphs. The cinema transformed from a mere escape to a wellspring of inspiration.

Under the city lights, she embraced the serendipity of that cinematic night. The silver screen birthed a metamorphosis, and as the credits rolled on her own life, she whispered gratitude to the universe for the movie that changed everything.


TAGLINE: Hope comes in many formats even on the silver screen

443 Words

Yolanda Renee © 2023



WEP - December Challenge