Showing posts with label Denise Covey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denise Covey. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I am truly honored that Gary Pennick caretaker of
Penny the Jack Russell terrier
and modest internet superstar
has agreed to give us his answers to the
Bwahahaha Halloween Interview!

Please enjoy Gary's horror stories and then jump on over
she's hosting me today. The subject:
Why I chose An Alaskan Setting 
for my murder trilogy.
Oh, and don't forget the
W...E...P Halloween Haunting 
post due on 
October 30th! 
Have you signed up?


You're the last person to die in your favorite horror movie, what's the name of the movie and how do you die?

I wish I'd been the first person to die in my favourite horror movie, "Caligula", which was a horror, as such. Seeing the guy's dangly bits being fed to a bulldog was enough for me. It turns out that out I wasn't actually in my favourite horror movie and was stuck in the movie "Groundhog Day." I finally die, I think I finally die when, "Punxsutawney Phil", legendary groundhog, decides to, "Gobbler's Knob" me and I die a painful death. 

In a remake of one of the Friday the 13th movies – you play the killer or Jason what would be your method of execution for all your victims?

Ah yes, I remember the first twelve movies about Friday. My method of execution for all my victims would have to be tying them down, prying open their eyes and force them to watch reruns of "Glee Club." They would die a horrible death as their brains would explode with all the gosh darn giggly fun being forced upon them.  

In a remake of Halloween, you are one of the victims – describe the scene and your grizzly / grisly death.

A grizzly death!  I'm knocked over by a very heavy dude wearing a grizzly bear costume.  He is stumbling home from a Halloween party.  After knocking me over, he crushes me to death.  It doesn't bear thinking about.

In a remake of the 1974 movie Young Frankenstein – which character would you play and why.

I would play the part of Frau Blücher because I always wanted to be a forbidding housekeeper.  In fact, uttering such a name would cause horses to rear up and neigh madly in fright.  Don't nag the nag, me thinks.  

In the Walking Dead, you and another character have survived the zombies, so far. You're on the move, but the individual with you is a wimpy scaredy cat, but oh so hot, still they keep drawing attention to you and your position and it's almost certain they will get you killed. What do you do - leave them for the zombies and save yourself? Or take pity on them, because their hotness makes up for their stupidity, and teach them not to be a wimp? Or do you have another solution.

I'm going to have the best of both worlds.  I shall give her a long, lingering kiss which shall shut her up. Then, just when I've got the zombies moving past us, I shall throw her to them and get the hell out of there.  This reply was typed in front of a dead studio audience......

You're headed to a Masquerade party as your favorite horror character and at midnight, you are transformed into your character until sunrise. Who is this character and how many victims would you claim by sunrise?

At the stroke of midnight, I turn into my all time favourite horror character.  Until sunrise, I become David Cameron, Prime Minister of Britain. During my delusional state, I claim several thousand vulnerable people as my victims. I take all their money and give it to my rich banking friends. 

Share with us your scariest ghost story – or nightmare – or tell us what scares you the most and why.

I have a fear of success.  My comfort zone is actually an uncomfortable comfort zone.  

Share with us your favorite Halloween experience, costume, and candy.

My favourite Halloween experience was the time I owned a house in Langley, British Columbia.  It was great fun handing out candy to all those kids. Now that I live in England, no kids come to my door trick or treating.  In a way, that's good because I can eat all the candy that the kids who never came to my door could of had.  I went to a party dressed as Bob McKenzie and my then wife, dressed as Doug McKenzie.  You know of Bob and Doug? Two famous Canadians, eh.  

My favourite candy was those toffees wrapped in Halloween themed wrappers.

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Greetings, I've been honoured to have my blog "klahanie" featured on the B.B.C.'s radio station "Radio 5 Live." On a show titled: "Pods and Blogs", I tried to highlight in my interview, that it's time to eliminate the unfair stigma that's still attached to mental health issues. I firmly believe that the media can help redress the balance. How about sensationalizing the positive recovery stories rather than the negative stereotypes that people with mental health issues have to endure? I'm a man challenging his 'inner critic.' I will not 'surrender' to my symptoms. I give myself permission to be positive. I try to live my life with positive anticipation. I refuse to let negative speculation overwhelm me. We all have the right to peace and contentment. I want to give others positive affirmations. I'm not daunted by my loneliness. For in my solitude, I have discovered a determined resilience. I care passionately for people who have been undermined in an unjust world. I challenge the stigma that still surrounds mental health issues.

Right then, my blog, or should I say, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar's blog can be found here 

I'm on Farcebook, um, Facebook, here : Gary Philip Pennick

And yep, Twitter, here : chelseacanadian

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