Monday, May 3, 2021

When Confusion Reigns


A Daily Walk

when the room closes in

and the heart beats too quickly

when confusion reigns

and answers just aren't there

when fear overwhelms

and doubts creep in

when quitting seems the only


I walk in the sunshine

I lift my eyes to the heavens

I pray – eyes wide open

silently to God above

when I return home

my head has cleared

my doubts disappeared

 Yolanda Renée (C) 2020


Elephant's Child said...

I am so very, very glad that you have that solace and respite.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Yolanda - such a beautiful poem ... fresh air and space can always help ... we need to open our hearts and change our thoughts ... wonderful expression you've given us. Stay safe and all the best - Hilary

Kalpana said...

I love your poem Yolanda and wish I could go through that gate onto that beach and walk my cares away.

Denise Covey said...

I was with you walking in the sunshine, casting aside your cares. Lovely poem.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I'm glad to hear you found comfort!

Harley Reeves said...

Walking and praying helps me find clarity when things feel overwhelming.