Tuesday, October 29, 2013


It is my honor to have as the next victim of the
Bwahahaha Halloween Interview
Kody Boye 
-a prolific horror writer 
and successful indie author. 

You're the last person to die in your favorite horror movie, what's the name of the movie and how do you die?

Ginger Snaps is my favorite horror movie by far. I’ve watched it far too many times to count, Katherine Isabelle and Emily Perkins are awesome, and it’s just the kind of ‘everything’s normal, then goes to hell’ story I love. My death would probably involve getting gruesomely eaten. Yeah. We’ll just say that.

In a remake of one of the Friday the 13th movies – you play Jason – what would be your method of execution for all your victims?

I find torture by insanity to be far more gruesome than slasher films, which is why I like the Saw franchise (though in and of itself Saw does both.) I think if I were Jason, I’d switch it up – put the victims in a large building or locale they can’t get out of… and leave the mask somewhere where someone else could find it (ala Hunger Games or Battle Royale—last one alive wins.)

In a remake of Halloween, you are one of the victims – describe the scene and your grizzly death.

I have this weird fetishism about quick and self-decided deaths—mostly because it’s by choice, and because it leaves little room in the way of pain. I’d see myself having been chased by the killer in Halloween up onto a high building (possibly off an apartment building or hotel) and then throwing myself from the roof either to try and save or end myself. Being control of your own destiny, to me, is far preferable to allowing someone else to be. I will say though that I have read too many anatomically-correct statements about guns and would never shoot myself in the head with one. Sadly, I am grisly like that.

In the Walking Dead, you and another character have survived the zombies, so far. You're on the move, but the individual with you is a wimpy scaredy cat, but oh so hot, still they keep drawing attention to you and your position and it's almost certain they will get you killed. What do you do - leave them for the zombies and save yourself? Or take pity on them, because their hotness makes up for their stupidity, and teach them not to be a wimp? Or do you have another solution.

Considering that most of the characters weren’t all that intelligent in The Walking Dead up until the second season (in which case they were still questionable,) I would have to say that I would willingly leave all of them behind. I really have no further (or witty) comment on this.

You're headed to a Masquerade party as your favorite horror character and at midnight, you are transformed into your character until sunrise. Who is this character and how many victims would you claim by sunrise?

Though it is odd because I would most likely never have a reason to go to a Masquerade party as Sister Mary Eunice from American Horror Story: Asylum, I have to say it would be her (though the idea of devil/demon possession isn’t new, I think her arc on Asylum was absolutely terrifying.) As to victims, that could go either way. A few people may die, but everyone will end up scarred. 

Share with us your scariest ghost story – or nightmare – or tell us what scares you the most and why.

The thing that scares me the most is the decline. Of society, of civilization, of nature, of self—due to my mental health conditions there’s always a nagging fear of, ‘What if?’ in terms of what might happen to the road. Bipolar Disorder has been shown to sometimes lead to Schizophrenia, and given that Schizophrenia is in my family, it makes me a bit wary, especially given that throughout several medication changes I’ve experienced complete change of self (which I was not even made aware of until months later at times.)

My favorite ghost story is about Robert the Doll – a creature that was cursed by a Haitian woman who wished to seek revenge on the family who mistreated her. They still house the doll in a museum to this day.

My scariest supernatural experience was one I wrote about back in 2010, regarding a series of events in which I was visited by an entity known as the Mothman in dreams, then subsequently bore witness to its iconic ‘red’ eyes flying in the field near where I grew up. That story can be found on my website HERE! 
Share with us your favorite Halloween experience, costume, and candy.

My favorite – and arguably most memorable – Halloween experience was a recent one. In 2012, I watched the Stanley Kubrick adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining. Given that I’ve known someone like that in the past, Nicholson’s portrayal was utterly terrifying, and as someone who suffers Bipolar Disorder and PTSD, really triggered me. 

I’ve never been one to dress up for Halloween, but have seen pictures of me as a child when I was an M&M (which is pretty awesome in its own right.) An obsessive-compulsive obsession with drag/performance-art makeup leads me to believe that I will one day do something absolutely crazy.

As to candy, most is fair game – except candied apples. I’ve almost ripped my teeth out on those far too many times to count. I switch favorites, but my general two are Twix and coconut chocolates (whose name I can’t remember.)

***** ***** ***** ***** 

So… what’s Sunrise about?

Picture the world one month after the zombie apocalypse. Trapped, in an abandoned apartment complex, with your best friend — you’re running out of food and desperate salvage runs come up with little to nothing concrete. Add into this the growing threat of a gang, a chance friendship with one of its members, and an unlikely meeting, then blossoming friendship with someone from the military and what do you get? The zombie apocalypse. Sunrise, my foray into the zombie genre, tells the story of Dakota Travis as he attempts to survive the apocalypse. And this month, I want all of you to have the chance to read it.

Throughout the month, I will be running various giveaways in which you can receive an eBook copy of Sunrise on my official Facebook author page. I will also be blogging about various topics related to the zombie genre, the people portrayed within it, and my various inspirations for writing zombies in general.

To get your copy of Sunrise for 0.99¢, click on the logo of your favorite eBook retailer below.

Born and raised in Southeastern Idaho, Kody Boye began his writing career with the publication of his story [A] Prom Queen’s Revenge at the age of fourteen. Published nearly three-dozen times before going independent at eighteen, Boye has authored numerous novels—including the short story collection Amorous Things, the novella The Diary of Dakota Hammell, the zombie novel Sunrise and the epic fantasy series The Brotherhood Saga. You can visit him on his ~ Website ~ Facebook ~
 ***** *****

For a comment telling us what your favorite Halloween candy is Cody has agreed to give away three eBooks of SUNRISE.  

This drawing is now closed and the winners are
Julie Flanders
Christine Rains
Shannon Lawrence

***** **** *****

Monday, October 28, 2013


A new victim for the 
Bwahahaha Halloween Interview 
is  horror writer and artist
Shall we see what horrors he 
shares from the graveyard

And once you've enjoyed his answers 
switch on over to
Donna Hole's Blog
I'm Guest Posting and
she's read and reviewed
Murder, Madness & Love!

Also, if you missed it on Saturday
Chrys Fey Interviewed Lucifer! 

And now lets get our Halloween on! 

You're the last person to die in your favorite horror movie, what's the name of the movie and how do you die?

LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE/ Emeric Bilasco drops something big and heavy on me!

In a remake of and of the Friday the 13th movies – you play Jason – what would be your method of execution for all your victims?

Too lazy to chase them around wielding a massive axe, so I would use a set of throwing knives

In a remake of Halloween, you are one of the victims – describe the scene and your grisly death.

I am driving around in a baracuda, or another awesome 70's muscle car when it comes over the radio that my acting career is over thanks to the slaughter that is another Rob Zombie remake!

In a remake of the 1974 movie Young Frankenstein – which character would you play and why. 
Igor, because he's pretty cool!

In the Walking Dead, you and another character have survived the zombies, so far. You're on the move, but the individual with you is a wimpy scaredy cat, but oh so hot, still they keep drawing attention to you and your position and it's almost certain they will get you killed. What do you do - leave them for the zombies and save yourself? Or take pity on them, because their hotness makes up for their stupidity, and teach them not to be a wimp? Or do you have another solution.

You kidding? :) I can always find another hot chick, this broad is zombie bait!

You're headed to a Masquerade party as your favorite horror character and at midnight, you are transformed into your character until sunrise. Who is this character and how many victims would you claim by sunrise?

I'd have to go with my Reaper namesake, and harvest the whole party!

Share with us your scariest ghost story – or nightmare – or tell us what scares you the most and why. 
Puppies and rainbows, they give me nightmares!

Share with us your favorite Halloween experience, costume, and candy.

I really don't have a favorite Halloween experience, any chance to scare people is a good time! I've always liked the gory nurse or doctor costumes, makes you wonder what have they been up to!
For candy, carmel milky ways, twix, or bottlecaps.

***** ***** *****
Here are just a few of Thom's or TG Reaper's Books!

Catch up with T G Reaper here:
Twitter @TGReaper
An Original by tgreaper

                          His Writing blog

Pop on in and join the conversation!
The Lost Word Writers group!


Thom Futrell aka T.G.Reaper is the best selling author with over 38 books to his credit. He has also sold screenplays and is currently writing for New Line Cinema. He lives just outside of Jackson with his wife, kids and evil demon ninja cat.

Read EMPTY GRAVES and OPEN WOUNDS by Bestselling author TGreaper, now in five languages!…wherever nightmares are sold!

***** *** *****

This Giveaway includes a $20 - $10 & $5 
Amazon Gift Cards as well as 
copies of Memories of Murder & Murder, Madness & Love!
I'd enter if I were allowed!

a Rafflecopter giveaway