Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015


This weekend I read a truly delightful book and it had a beginning, middle, and a very satisfying end. Hot Flashes and Cold Lemonade by Susan Flett Swiderski has been in my to-be-read queue for way too long, but I finally checked it off the constantly growing list.

My Review:

Hot Flashes and Cold Lemonade
Susan Flett Swiderski

                Hot Flashes and Cold Lemonade is a book of literary fiction that, and as you can tell from the title, touches on a time of life many of us could write volumes about. You know the one where female hormones fade and all those Y-chromosomes make their presence known in the form of unexpected rage, uncontainable bodily functions, and flashes of unemotional intelligence.

        This wonderfully humorous book follows the journey of one irrepressible glass half-full dirty-blonde, Pearl Bryzinski. She's married to George, a hardworking, beer drinking, not a romantic bone in his body, good guy. She has three lovely children, and the first-born can do no wrong, he's her little boy, until suddenly one night his expectations and her reality clash. Pearl has supportive gal pals, a volatile relationship with her mother, and a father she's put on a 'can do no wrong' pedestal. 

        It all sounds ideal, but nothing in life is that easy. I enjoyed following Pearl through the minefield that is the change. I especially enjoyed how menopause influenced her actions and reactions to the people in her life that she had managed to put in the crayon box of eight colors, only to find that true colors can't be found in a box of eight or even thirty-six.

        I hate crying, but when an author can evoke tears and laughter, empathy and compassion, I call that miraculous and take my hat off to Susan.

        Despite the fact that there is no mystery, no murder, and no horror, this will always be one of my favorite books!

         Writers who take ordinary life and write it with a cleverness that keeps me turning the page are, in my opinion, super talented. Susan Flett Swiderski is one of those writers.

          Read her blog, I Think, Therefore I Yam and you'll see humor and genius in every post. I look forward to more amazing reads from this brilliant writer.

Susan Flett Swiderski grew up in Dundalk, Maryland, where everybody calls everybody "hon", fishing and crabbing is a way of life, and eating steamed crabs is practically a sacrament. Although she loves her home in Georgia, a part of her heart will always linger beside the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. The rest of it enjoys life with her husband and love of her life (Luckily for her, they're the same person.) and their two spoiled cats Dot and Dash. Strange names, perhaps, but not for a couple of amateur radio operators. Susan and her husband, that is. Not the cats.

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Hot Flashes and Cold Lemonade 
 Susan Flett Swiderski
Living the perfect life has always been easy peasy for Pearl Bryzinski, because she’s practically a pro at ignoring the negative and putting a positive spin on the facts, but it’s impossible for her to find anything positive about Daddy skipping town with that blue-haired floozy in a flashy brown Pinto. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t ignore the fact that he’s gone… or the fact that she’s becoming a drama queen who can sweat like a sumo wrestler doing push-ups in a sauna. It’s almost enough to suck the blush out of her rose-colored glasses. Whether she likes it or not, she’s gonna have to turn some of her wishbone into backbone.

Layer by layer, assumptions and misconceptions peel away, as Pearl learns to buck up in the face of reality, and to laugh at her imperfect… but not so bad… life. Supported by a down-to-earth husband who loves her with every blue-collar bone in his body, a mother who isn’t the self-centered witch Pearl imagined her to be, three terrific grown kids… okay, make that two terrific kids, and a Golden Boy who’s a far cry from 24-carat… and a bunch of wonderful wacky gal pals, Pearl comes to realize that her mixed bag of family and friends makes her life damned near perfect. Pearl being Pearl, she’ll never give up her rosy specs entirely, but learning to handle reality also means learning to deal with death.

Monday, January 13, 2014



Hurricane Crimes


Chrys Fey

            No way out in the face of an oncoming hurricane, Beth Kennedy does what she can to wait out the storm in safety at home. A car accident outside her house requires that she act and that is when the tale deepens in Chrys Fey's Hurricane Crimes. 

          Chrys Fey does a magnificent job of starting her short story with the tension needed to hook and keep the reader reading. Her descriptive prose puts the reader with Beth as the dangerous winds escalate, the water rises, and darkness falls.

          I enjoyed this short tale of romance and suspense with the strong female character of Beth Kennedy, and the handsome Donovan Goldwyn, who is on the run from the police. He is a temptation hard to resist, and then a threat hard to escape, not with a hurricane blowing the trees down and lifting the roof from its moorings.

          A talented writer with a new tale to be released in 2014, Chrys Fey, is a  writer to watch!
Yolanda Renée 2014

                                         Hurricane Crimes

After her car breaks down, Beth Kennedy is forced to stay in Florida, the target of Hurricane Sabrina. She stocks up supplies, boards up windows, and hunkers down to wait out the storm, but her plan unravels when she witnesses a car accident. Risking her life, she braves the winds to save the driver. Just when she believes they are safe, she finds out the man she saved could possibly be more dangerous than the severe weather. 

Donovan Goldwyn only wanted to hide from the police, but the hurricane shoved his car into a tree. Now he's trapped with a beautiful woman while the evidence that can prove his innocence to a brutal crime is out there for anyone to find.

As Hurricane Sabrina wreaks havoc, Beth has no other choice but to trust Donovan to stay alive. But will she survive, or will she become another hurricane crime?

 About Chrys Fey:

Chrys Fey is the author of the short stories--The Summer Bride and Fallen. She created the blog Write with Fey to offer aspiring writers advice and inspiration. She lives in Florida where she is ready to battle the next hurricane that comes her way.

Next year, Chrys Fey will be coming out with her second romantic-suspense eBook, 30 Seconds.

In 2004, three hurricanes hit Florida in the space of four weeks: Charley, Frances, and Ivan. Then in 2008, Tropical Storm Fay visited. She actually made landfall four times. These storms greatly influenced Hurricane Crimes.

I started writing Hurricane Crimes on Christmas morning 2011. I had just finished reading a book set during a blizzard and pondered the fact that I had never been in a snow storm because I live in Florida, so the idea to write a story that really focuses on a hurricane immediately became my goal. Although I wanted Hurricane Crimes to be a romance, I didn't want it to be a typical romance. Thus, I created Donovan, a sexy and passionate man who may be a murderer.

I am a huge advocate of domestic violence awareness, and with Hurricane Crimes I had the opportunity to give one of my passions to Beth Kennedy, a tough woman who is a self-defense instructor.
