Showing posts with label Melting Ice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melting Ice. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Based on the photo prompt:
Write a complete story in 100 words or less.

  • Take your time.
  • Proofread
  • Edit
  • Include photo and InLinkz code.
  • Post and link your story URL.
  • Reciprocate - read and comment. It's part of the fun.

And our host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields also says, make every word count.
PHOTO PROMPT – © Madison Woods


The Arctic ice melted, the ocean's level increased, and coastlines flooded. Grasshoppers and locusts devastated the food supply. When the land under Antarctica became visible, a new species of Saturniidae or giant moth emerged. The insect's population exploded. They swarmed and devoured the world's forests.

Humanity had barely made progress dealing with the aftermath of famine and homelessness before more devastation occurred.

Melting ice revealed caverns leading deep into the earth, but the explorers disappeared. Before a rescue team could be dispatched, monsters filled the sky and fire dropped from the heavens.

        The Dragons took back their planet.

98 words
Yolanda Renee © 2015

Do you know a Spectacular Setting, one you've seen, read about, or dreamed? Share it with us at the WEP-Write...Edit...Publish Flash Fiction Challenge this August 19th.
Why not? You're not on a vacation from writing, are you?